Sunday, June 16, 2024

code for celltowers didnt work - oh no

did not try to cut and paste this entire thing - but whatever

other code did work

Has your phone been hacked? If you're not sure, there are ways to find
out. I'll tell you what to dial to see if your phone has been hacked,
what symptoms to look for (including battery drain), and how to solve

With USSD codes, also known as quick codes or feature codes, you can
quickly check if your phone has been hacked. There are many
combinations to diagnose different issues, and with code to check if
your phone is monitored, and I'll discuss each below. That way, you
can be sure you're safe.

What To Do If You Think Your Phone Has Been Hacked

First and foremost, if you have a feeling or suspicion that your phone
has been hacked or even sim-swapped, it's always better to err on the
side of caution.

Start by changing all your passwords for any accounts accessed through
your device and your phone's lock screen password. This can prevent
further access to your personal information.

Next, consider whether there may be any sensitive information on your
device that could potentially be compromised. If so, think about how
you can protect that information and who needs to be notified of the
potential breach.

It would be best if you also considered contacting your service
provider, as they may have resources and assistance to secure your

With USSD codes, you can also easily check for any unusual activity on
your phone, such as unexpected data usage or strange texts and calls.

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The Signs That Your Phone May Have Been Hacked

If you're not receiving calls and think you might have been hacked
with conditional call forwarding and monitoring, those are signs your
phone might be hacked. There are other diagnostic methods too, and a
bunch of methods and techniques you can use to diagnose and rectify
any potential hack to your smartphone.

You may have the latest iOS or Android device, and be confident no one
can hack your phone. But the global security situation would say
different, and if you're trying to figure out what to dial to see if
your phone is hacked, you're in the right place.

With everything going on in the world, cyber-attacks are becoming
increasingly common, and one way to prevent them is to learn white hat

1. Unexplained Data Usage

One of the first things you might notice if your phone has been hacked
is unexplained data usage. If you have a data limit on your plan and
you find yourself going over it for no apparent reason, it could be
because someone is using your data without your knowledge.

Hackers can install malware on your phone that uses your data in the
background without your knowledge.

To check for unexplained data usage, look at your phone's data usage
history in the settings app. If you see any apps using more data than
usual, or if there's data being used when you're not even using your
phone, those could be signs that your phone has been hacked.

2. Unexpected App Activity

Another sign that your phone may have been hacked is unexpected
activity from apps that you don't use very often. If you see
notifications or other activity from an app that you barely ever use,
there's a chance that someone has installed malware on your phone and
is using that app to spy on you or steal information from you.

To check for unexpected app activity, go through the list of apps on
your phone and see if there are any that you don't remember installing
or that you haven't used in a long time. If you see anything
suspicious, delete the app right away.

Hackers will sometimes install malicious apps (particularly web apps)
on your phone without your knowledge to gain access to your personal
information or steal sensitive data like login credentials and banking

These are usually website domain applets and can lead to scripts
running on your smartphone. Note that we cover this topic in much more
depth too. For example, you can also learn how to hack a website to
counter such things.

3. Battery Drainage

If your battery starts draining unusually quickly, it could be another
sign that something is wrong with your phone. This is usually caused
by malware running in the background and can be confirmed by checking
your battery usage history in the settings app. If you see an app
that's using up a lot of battery power even when you're not using it,
there's a good chance that it is malicious software and your phone has
been hacked.

4. Slow Performance

A final sign that something might be wrong with your phone is if it
starts running slowly or acting strangely.

Several things can cause this, but if you suspect your phone has been
hacked, it could be because there's malicious software running in the
background and causing problems with how your phone runs.

To check for this, open up the settings app and go to the "About
Phone" section. Then look at the "System Updates" section and see if
any updates are available for your operating system and apps. If there
are, install them immediately, as they might contain security patches
that will help protect your phone against hackers.

5. Suspicious Text Messages Or Calls

If you start receiving text messages or calls from numbers you don't
recognize, or if your friends and family start telling you they've
been receiving strange texts or calls from your number, it's a sign
that your phone may have been hacked. Hackers often spoof your phone
number to access your contacts list, send spam messages, or make
unwanted calls. These can happen on Android or Apple devices.

What Are USSD Codes?

USSD codes, also known as "Unstructured Supplementary Service Data"
codes, are shortcodes that can be entered into a phone to access
various features and information. These codes are commonly used for
checking account balances, activating services, and troubleshooting
technical issues.

It's important to note that USSD codes can potentially give hackers
access to sensitive information on your phone, so it's essential only
to use trusted sources and never share them with anyone else.

USSD Code To Check If Phone Is Hacked

USSD codes usually begin with * or # and can be entered by simply
holding down the * or # key on your phone and then entering the code.
USSD codes can be used to check your balance, recharge your account,
or even send money to another mobile phone user.

To use a USSD code, simply enter the code into your phone and wait for
the response. The response will usually be in the form of a pop-up
message on your screen. In some cases, you may need to enter
additional information, such as your PIN number, before the service
can be accessed. So here's what to dial to see if your phone is

For Being Hacked

*#06# - This code will show you the IMEI number of your phone. The
IMEI number is a unique identifier assigned to every mobile device. If
you see a different IMEI number than the one usually associated with
your phone, it's possible that your phone has been hacked.

*#062# - This code will show you the date when your SIM card was last
updated. If you see a date you don't recognize, or if the date listed
is significantly different from when you last remember updating your
SIM card, your phone may have been hacked.

*#21# - This code will show you a list of numbers your calls have been
forwarded to. If you see any numbers listed that you don't recognize,
or if your calls have been forwarded to a number you didn't set up,
it's possible that your phone has been hacked.

For Being Tapped

*#*#1472365#*#* - This code will show you if anything abnormal is
happening with your device's GPS location. If someone has enabled GPS
spoofing, this code will let you know. GPS spoofing is a type of hack
where the hacker tricks your phone into thinking it's somewhere it's
not. This can be used to track your movements or intercept your calls
and text messages. To check if your phone has been hacked in this way,
simply enter the code into your dialer and hit send. If everything
appears normal, you're good to go. If not, it's time to start taking
steps to secure your device.

Note that you'll need to navigate the UMTS Cell Environment to get
this information. You're going to want to check the UMTS RR
Information to get a Cell ID number. That's what you'll use to track
the person who hacked your phone. Once you have the Cell ID, go to the
mm information menu and look for an area code. That should give you a
good place to start.

*#*#7780#*#* - This code will help you reset your device to its
factory settings. This is useful if you suspect your phone has been
hacked and want to start from scratch. Keep in mind that this will
delete all of the data on your device, so be sure to back up any
important files before proceeding. To reset your device, simply enter
the code into your dialer and hit send. Follow the prompts on your
screen, and voila! Your device will be as good as new.

*#*#34971539#*#* - If you've ever looked at your phone's camera and
thought someone might be peering in back, you can check to see if your
suspicions ring true or not. This code gives you access to information
about the camera hardware, including when it was last used and what
type of camera it is. Simply enter the code into your dialer and hit
send to view this information. If you see any unusual activity, it's a
good indication that someone has been using your camera without your

*#*#197328640#*#* - This code gives you access to your device's
network information, including the signal strength and cell towers in
use. While these codes may not definitively tell you whether or not
your phone has been hacked, they can give you a good indication of any
strange activity on your device. If you see any unusual activity here,
it might signal that someone is monitoring or tampering with your
network connection. If anything looks off, it's essential to take
steps to secure your phone and protect your personal information.
Remember, a cell tower pings for each incoming call, outgoing call,
and SMS message sent.

Tips On How To Block Hackers From Your iOS Or Android Phone

There are a few ways to block hackers from your mobile device. Here
are the best ways to avoid an unknown connection:

Update Your Software Regularly: One of the best ways to protect your
phone from hackers is to ensure you're running the latest operating
system version. That's because developers are constantly working to
patch up vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious software
or attackers. So, if you're not running the latest version of iOS or
Android, you could be leaving yourself open to attack.
Use a Secure Lock Screen Pattern or Password: Another simple way to
beef up your security is to use a strong lock screen pattern or
password. That way, even if someone does manage to get their hands on
your device, they'll still have a hard time accessing your
information. Remember that patterns can sometimes be guessed, so a
long and complex password is usually the best option. Also, avoid
using easily guessed words like "password" or easily accessible
personal information like your birthdate.
Install Security Apps: Many different security apps are available for
iOS and Android devices. These apps can help block malicious software
and even alert you if your device is being tampered with. Many of them
are free, so there's no excuse not to have one installed. Just be sure
to do your research before installing anything, as some security apps
have been known to contain malware themselves.
Beware of Public Wi-Fi Networks: When you're out and about, connecting
to public Wi-Fi networks can be tempting to save your data plan.
However, these networks are often unsecured, which means they're prime
targets for hackers. So, unless you absolutely need to connect, it's
best to steer clear of public Wi-Fi altogether.

Note that there are also app-based solutions like Netmonitor. You can
find it (and others) on the Google Play store. Just beware of
potential scams. Some unscrupulous companies target novices in the
cybersecurity field, inviting you to install programs that can
compromise your device. It's best to use only trusted names if you
choose to use a cybersecurity app.


Ideally, there's a lot of security in the latest smartphones, but
hackers aren't dumb either. They are in a constant race of cat and
mouse with software updates. You should always stay up to date with
software updates in your smartphone, especially Android given its
open-source system origins.

Irrespective of your mobile system, if you notice any signs, be sure
to follow the steps above.

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The Complete Mobile Ethical Hacking Course

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, I'll address some of the most common questions I hear about how
to tell if a phone is hacked. I'll try to keep my answers concise, as
the guide above gives much more information.

1. Does *#21 Tell If Your Phone Is Tapped?

No, *#21 is a code for displaying your call forwarding status. It will
not tell you if your phone is tapped.

2. What Does ##002 Do To Your Phone?

##002 is a code for resetting your phone to its factory settings. It
will not tell you if your phone is hacked, but it can help remove any
hacked software on your device.

3. How Will I Know If My Android Phone Is Hacked?

Some common signs that your Android phone may have been hacked include
strange or unexpected behavior, a sudden increase in data usage, and
unfamiliar apps or notifications. You can also use security apps to
check for any malicious software on your device.

4. Can You Unhack Your Phone?

If you suspect your phone has been hacked, the first step is to change
any passwords or PINs stored on the device. Then, run a security scan
using an app or antivirus software. You may also want to factory reset
your phone, although this will delete all your data. It's important to
note that there is no guaranteed way to "unhack" a device, as the
extent of the hack will determine the best course of action. It's
always a good idea to regularly back up your device in case it needs
to be reset. It's also essential to keep your software and apps
up-to-date and be cautious about connecting to public networks.

5. Can You Tell If Your Phone Is Being Monitored?

With the USSD code *#06, you can check your phone's IMEI
(International Mobile Equipment Identity) number. If this number has
been changed (different from the one on the phone box) without your
knowledge, it could be a sign that someone is monitoring or tracking
your device. Other signs may include unexpected crashes or freezes,
unusually high data usage, and strange or unfamiliar apps or
notifications. It's always a good idea to regularly check for any
unusual or suspicious activity on your device.

6. What is the code to check if my phone is hacked or tapped?

You can check for any unfamiliar or suspicious activity on your phone,
run security scans using apps or antivirus software, and check the
IMEI number of your device. There are a bunch of codes to check if
phone is hacked to check the same. However, there is no one code to
know it all. It's essential to monitor your phone for any unusual
activity regularly (including battery drain).

7. What do I dial to check to see if my phone is hacked?

You can dial *#21# to see a list of numbers where your calls are being
forwarded to. That's a common method for phone hacking, and this is
one easy way to check to see if you have unintentional call diversions
set up.

8. What does *#*#1472365#*#* do on your phone?

This connects you with the UMTS Cell Environment. It's the spot you go
when you want to find out where your hacker is located.

Explore More
By Ankit Sharma

Ankit Sharma is a technical writer for He specializes in
data science, machine learning, and AI, among others. Coming from a
computer science engineering major, his experience lies more in
analytics and solving problems with tech solutions to empower people's
work lives. He has worked extensively in SQL, DevOps, and Front-End
development, and loves to write about NoCode solutions as well.

View all post by the author

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In this article

What To Do If You Think Your Phone Has Been Hacked
The Signs That Your Phone May Have Been Hacked
What Are USSD Codes?
USSD Code To Check If Phone Is Hacked
Tips On How To Block Hackers From Your iOS Or Android Phone
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More

Want To Become An Ethical Hacker? Use These Hacking Tools!
Ethical Hacking
Best Laptop for Hacking: Top 7 Picks in 2024
Ethical Hacking
How to Become an Ethical Hacker in 2024
Ethical Hacking

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