Wednesday, March 5, 2025

gatlinburg tn wildfire video

cued up at 330 on the tape - fire blowing good on the hillside

worcester mass - dispatch type info for FD

ems assist calls are usually referred to (on the radio) as 'first
responder' calls - in that they are providing 'ems fire response'

a typical dispatch would be voiced as - 'Eng 12, first responder, 62 Main St'

therefore - most medical calls get a response of one ambulance and one
fire truck and maybe one cop

interesting that they have 1 + 0 and 0 + 1 and 1+1+1 and 2 + 1 + 0 and
2 + 1 + 1 and 4 + 3 + 1 response levels - but no 1+1 response level

what does a reported entrapment on 290 get?

massachusetts - odds and ends from broadcastify calls

Ashby PD is listed under Middlesex County

MetroFire Admin - TG 1089 - someone heard doing test counts in the
clear on 3/4/2025 at 945 am

Lakeville PD is listed under Plymouth County - as is NYC DEP Police - ???

MassPort Logan FD alerting - TG 35 - just heard some calls being
dispatched - nothing else heard - just the dispatcher was heard -
seemed to be intermittent - on for 2 hours then not heard again till
24 hours later

Westboro FD - 482.40 - listed under Worcester County

Worcester FD dispatch channel - TG 4443 - each call is announced twice
- just the dispatcher is heard and 1 attention tone - also - 1809 pm -
'evening klaxon test' announced - no tones heard or anything - no
klaxon heard - it must be down via internet - then the weather and the
chiefs are announced

houston area radio traffic - recent - 2 test nets

houston texas

heard via broadcastify calls

on TxWARN - TG 278 - the "EAS PIE talkgroup" - 2/19/2025 + 2/26/2025 -
10 AM local - KUHF FM (KUHF One the primary 1 local station for the
houston operational area) activating the EAS PIE talkgroup for the
weekly tests - she called multi counties and NWS and at least 1 other
media station - - Unit 3 was NWS - Unit 11 is Liberty County - Unit 14
is San Jacinto County - Unit 4 is Austin County- Unit 5 is Brazoria
County - etc - very few seemed to answer

also on TxWARN - TG 5 - CMOC 1 - catastrophic medical ops control -
something like that - west quadrant radio check - 11 am local - today
- multi hospitals called and answered - also - Harris County Public
Health + Montgomery County EOC + Waller County OEM -- some of the
hospitals were - Memorial Hospital NorthEast + Meml Hosp Woodlands +
MidCoast Bellville + Nexus Specialty + Woodland Specialty + Childrens
Texas West + Texas Childrens Woodland + Tops Specialty Hosp -
(guessing at 50% of those names)

new feed for plumas county calif

has multi national forest and blm channels - includes some usfs uhf channels

west haven ct FD dispatch 1 and 2 - cool

this might catch on across the USA

West Haven, CT

Fire Dispatch 1 (Main)

Fire Dispatch 2 (Backup)

During a fire - Dispatch 1 is used as the fireground, - Dispatch 2
becomes dispatch

Pros - no more fumbling to change channels during the heat of the battle

Cons - maybe some will forget to switch to Dispatch 2 - and end up
accidently interfering with Channel 1 comms

keywords - radio channel usage - radio channel allocation - no hassle
fireground channel

westcomm - fire dispatch - feed

for longmeadow and east longmeadow and munson FDs in western mass on a UHF TRS

live scanner audio

"Although Westcomm dispatches for Ware PD/FD, they are not included on
this feed."