Saturday, August 16, 2014

USA - news media narrative about fires

What do we read in the newspapers and see on the TV news about fires in the USA?

1. The fire department aggressively extinguished the fire.

2. The fire was too big / spread too fast - there was nothing the fire department could do.

3. There were no working smoke detectors.

4. Cause of the fire is unknown.

5. Please send money to support the survivors

You will never see this -

1. The idiots lit their house on fire again

2. The FD couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag

I suspect that Japan & Europe is different. Their news media might say -

1. Dont send money - it only encourages them

2. This is what the FD did - these are the lessons that were learned - (actually - maybe no one on the planet does this in the public news media)

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