Saturday, January 26, 2019

What will it take to control wildfires in 2019?

What will it take to control wildfires in 2019? There were huge wildland interface fires in 2017 and 2018. I have not seen any recommendations for changes yet. So allow me. Time is quickly running out. Fire doesnt care if it wipes out Democratic or Republican neighborhoods.

1. During Red Flags - everyone has to report to duty - police and fire and ems and dpw. All reserve units have to be staffed and out on patrol. Cops do 12 hour shifts. Everyone else can probably do the same.

2. If a medevac helo is closest to a wildfire during Red Flag conditions, then the medevac helo has to respond to the scene and guide first due units to the fire.

3. During Red Flags - response levels have to be doubled from the existing levels. Its is obvious that the existing response levels are far too low.

4. During Red Flags - every available aircraft in the area needs to be staffed. Police, military, civilian, medevac, Civil Air Patrol. The USA has thousands upon thousands of aircraft. But they are worthless when they are just sitting on the ground collecting dust.

5. This spring, every community needs to clear all vegetation 150 feet away from all state highways and interstates within interface zones. State highways and Interstates have to remain open at all costs. The electric companys need to have top level plans to rapidly kill power to any power lines that fall on state or interstate highways. (Exception - some state highways in extremely rural areas probably cannot be economically defended - perhaps the VLATs will have to be targeted at those areas)

6. In the near future - it shall be required that all essential government employees live within 1 mile of their work station - except if their work station is in a wilderness area - in which case they probably already have housing at the work station during duty hours.

7. Extra emphasis has to be placed on fire suppression after a fire front has passed thru a neighborhood. It is not as sexy as playing around at the fire front for the cameras; but it is vital.

8. The concept of driving fire trucks all around the USA to fight fires probably should be retired. It probably makes far more sense to beef up local resources. Keep in mind - many West Coast fire stations can be expanded by just adding some fencing and a lock. They dont get freezing weather. Ever.

9. If you think this is all overkill - then do a financial analysis of my proposals. If 2 more towns burn up in 2019 - and total losses are 1,000 dead and $20 billion in property losses - and if my suggestions cost $200 million - then ??????

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