Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Re: lets recap NSW Australia FDs 1 more time

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_and_Rescue_NSW - FRNSW has 422
engines in 355 stations - so you can see that most stations have just
1 engine - staffing is 3500 FT + 3200 POC + 570 vols with 1 day of

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_South_Wales_Rural_Fire_Service -
Stations 2,029 - 3,783 tankers (bush engines) + 62 pumpers (village
engines apparently) + 59 bulk water carriers + 30 fire boats - no
ladders - no heavy rescues - no hazmats

that makes sense - typically 1 city engine per FRNSW station -
typically 2 bush engines per Rural FD station

so - bottom line - its basically a city engine FD vs a bush engine FD
- but they have stations within 1 or 2 miles of each other all over
the place

to fully integrate the 2 agencies its seems you would just need to add
some SCBA and some turnout gear and proper training to some of the
Rural FD engines - and maybe give them bigger pumps - maybe not -
maybe the pumps are big enough already since they use high pressure
hose reels iirc (both city and rural engines)

you would probably have to start paying the bush firefighters also -
but that could cost alot - but its only fair - or maybe you could
phase out half of the rural stations - especially if you consider what
it costs in terms of man hours to operate the bush engines - they
might be unpaid - but those are manhours that could be used for
something else if they were not running around chasing bush fires all
day long - there is a "real cost" there - it just does not show up in
anyones budgets

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