Saturday, October 31, 2020

Norwich CT - manhunt underway

K9 is tracking a shooter - 1 victim so far

bfd radio audio tapes

boston fire department

going back to 1968

Boise Idaho newspaper - multi Covid stories

86 million have already voted

so realistically Biden is already President

Biden lead at 8% per FoxNews

Re: Police bodycams - Waukegan IL fatal shooting

cop says - you are under arrest because I say so

cop yells on radio - hey they ran me over

car peels out

IS IT POSSIBLE THAT EVERYONE IS LYING? - not only possible - its all on tape

On Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 9:40 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> girl says she drove away slow - lets check the video to see if that is true

June article about scanner apps

live scanner audio - openness

Minneapolis - anti crime groups have sprouted

they use social media and scanners

keywords - live scanner audio - openness

Escondido PD goes to dark side

per Lindsay Blanton - Broadcastify had 280,000 listeners during the
'unrest' in early June 2020 - broke all records

live scanner audio - openness

36,000 listeners at Broadcastify now - 1030 am sat Oct 31 2020

scanner market / sales - ???

anyone familiar with this website? looks hokey

reposting radio back up plan - Boston MA area

basic plan - if primary and backup channel fail - switch to DIRECT ops
and put someone at a high spot (or up in an aircraft) - this applies
nationwide / worldwide / galactically

(if you dont know what DIRECT is - yikes!)


reposting radio backup plan for Boston Mass area

direct ops on BAP 3 - dispatcher to dispatcher primarily

direct ops on BAP 4 - for tactical - or backup if local Ch1 gets jammed up

direct ops on 483.2875 if possible - mostly dispatcher to dispatcher -
unknown if anyone has the capability

direct ops also on - 471.6875 and Utacs and ITacs and what the hell
Vtacs also For Boston - if they just put 1 person on a highrise with a
portable radio - they could probably have citywide coverage - maybe
Readville would be a problem

for subway ops - use the FDNY method - portable to portable every 100 feet

all of the MetroFire channels can be used for direct ops - even the
input channels (if the repeaters are down)

how about - putting some mobile command posts with repeaters on high
spots? like at the toll booths on the Tobin Bridge? - that would be
cool - or on Belmont Hill or Blue Hill or Bear Hill or Mt Kilmanjaro
in Topsfield

Police bodycams - Waukegan IL fatal shooting

girl says she drove away slow - lets check the video to see if that is true

Philly Socialites have scanners

socialists with scanners were posting police radio traffic to internet
to help Philadelphia rioters

openness - live scanner audio

Topeka Police say Facebook post was wrong

so the person who posted was just guessing that the cops were at that
location and that an ambulance was needed? damn good guess

where is the police radio tape?

keywords - openness

McAllen Texas has a new fire chief

He has a bachelor of applied science in organizational leadership and
an associate of applied science in fire science from South Texas

198 member FD - 176 are firefighters

Fresno will place 4th person on engines

do they refuse to fight fires unless 4 people are onscene? what delays
are they talking about?

keywords - 2 in 2 out bullshit

will go from 81 firefighters on duty to 95 per shift

they might have 25% of the staffing of Worcester Mass

they dont seem to be in the news for having a huge fire problem - so
apparently 81 firefighters onduty has been working for them

Lordsburg NM - home burns down after FD walks out

not sure where the county fd is located

might be a big nothing burger story

Friday, October 30, 2020

Ravalli County MT dispatches 12 FDs

which 12? I only have 11 on my map -

Ravalli County MT - very odd

Mandate to switch to digital radios - what mandate?

page 194 of 339

2340 Emergency Communication Services

110 Office of Emergency Management

This fund was created in FY 2012 to fund the mandate to upgrade from
analog to digital emergency services. The County paid for the
necessary upgrade with PILT money then entered into agreements with
each of the users including Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, Search &
Rescue, the towns of Stevensville and Pinesdale, the City of Hamilton,
and every rural fire district within the County. To reimburse the PILT
fund. each of the users contributes a set amount over a 10 year period
that began with FY 2013 and will end with FY 2022.

Winthrop Mass working fire

Winthrop - 80 Shirley St - box 80 - Ch 1 is covering channel - FG is
Metro Central

knocked down at 313 pm - another bld saved - hopefully

Northern Idaho - covid hitting

3 counties are red now

you guys need more guns to shoot them pesky virions

Boise - hospitalizations up

rents up 10% in Boise

Re: turkey quake - usa usar activated yet? - lets go!

maybe only 4 or 5 blds went down

turkey quake - usa usar activated yet? - lets go!

usa has approx 45 usar teams - if we can get the usaf rolling - we can
get the teams to turkey in probably under 24 hours - maybe 12 hours
from the east coast - MA Team 1, you activated yet? - westover afb
with the C5s - you activated yet?

Snowy mcSnowville

sheriff pickup 2012 ravalli county montana

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Backup radio procedures - Boston Mass area

Back up radio procedures - Boston area

For 470.7875 - place mobile and portable radios at high locations -
operate in direct mode

For 483.2875 - place mobile and portable radios at high locations -
operate on 483.3125 direct

Maybe there are some mobile command posts that can operate on 483.2875
direct - that would be better - but I have never heard that being done
in the last 50 years

Another option would be to use 471.6875 direct - or UTacs direct - or
VTacs direct - or 463.075 direct

crane out of control in nyc - 85 floors up

The covid saga - thinking outloud

MAYBE - MAYBE - trumpf was told that covid would not be a problem in
the USA - then cases started to appear - so he chased a vaccine in
Germany - and then the FDA tests failed - and then he was screwed - so
Jared told him that just Democrats would die - and his was fine with

MAYBE - MAYBE - Putin firmly controls Trumpf - and Trumpf had to kill
300,000 Americans in order to lose to Biden - thereby saving the USA
from Putin - assuming that Putin doesnt control Biden also

6X2 vs 6X4 vs 6X6 - terminology for trucks

trucks terminology

Sevierville TN - strange

city fire sta 1 and county fire sta 1 and county rescue squad are
located within a quarter mile of each other


city sta 1 and county sta 1 were both built in the last couple of years


New Honeywell fire alarm system is n the cloud

imagine if every fire dispatch center had a drone that would be
launched on all first alarms - if the drone could fly at 120 mph -
that is 2 miles per minute - for a five minute flight time - they
would arrive with the first ground units over a 300 square mile area -
Houston and NYC would need just 1 - Los Angeles might need 2

NYC hirise being demolished

JP Morgan HQ was 52 stories - now is 30 stories - tallest bld ever
voluntarily demolished - will build taller HQ in future

had a small fire today in basement - 200 workers had to evacuate

I wonder how they are doing the demo? did they attach a crane to the
outside of the top floor? I suppose once you open the roof you can put
up a crane on the top floor

Hamilton MT wants to replace 100yo station

new fire station will not have a siren - to be good neighbors


Biden 54% Trump 42% - per Fox News

If all the Republicans have been lying to pollsters or if the ballot
counters are all hacked - Nov 3 is gonna be the mother of all clusters

Prediction for Nov 3

Prediction for Nov 3

1. massive nuclear explosion in Atlanta Georgia

2. everyone in White House gets arrested and perp walked on live TV



Chuck Todd just said on WGBH that trumps wants 2 things - money and
relevance (fame / glory)

fema daily ops brief archived

no polling of racists

I wonder who the racists will be voting for? - that is critical info
for the future of the country - right?

traffic cameras washington dc

camera at penn and 17 is updating every 2 seconds

boston harbor webcam

cold and drizzly today

good morning beantown!

would be nice to have multi live cams running around the white house -
lets try to find some

1st amendment audit boston mass may 2020

videotaping cops - 2 hours

japan is a strange place - 2 minute video

motorcycle cop pulls over speeder - perp stops right in middle of highway

vineyard haven harbor live webcam

might be able to see the ferries


InciWeb down today for mtnce

Internet Archive has 477 billion pages saved

its 477 billion plus 1 now

just added the mass feeds spreadsheet - live scanner audio feeds for
Massachusetts - a google spreadsheet from Zerg90 Enterprises a
division of Vandalay Industries (took me a second to remember the
name) - "and you want to be my latex salesman"

good morning vietnam!

sarah cooper needs to do robin williams spoofing trump

good morning vealnams!

Mass feeds updated

changed westwood fd + oyalston fd + easthampton public safety

westwood and royalston just seem to be updates of the url or provider

easthampton might be brand spankin new - a new new feed

Westwood Mass - new scanner feed

Westwood FD - broadcasting from Sta 2

perhaps a unofficial official scanner feed or an official unofficial
scanner feed

live scanner audio - openness

Tasmania going to full encryption

openness - keyword

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

how small are those kids?

downtown japan

must be 2 months old

I thought those were florists or something

Fauci just spoke for 1 hour about covid

ups vans have strobe lights

UPS vans have bright yellow strobe lights on the rear - right side and
left side - eye level - near the red brake lights - different than
turn signals iirc

Acton MA breaks ground for a new fire station

a really new fire station - new new - not a replacement fire station -
this neighborhood did not have a fire station for the last 30 years

but I seem to remember either a North Acton station or a Westford
station in the general area - maybe even Carlisle had a truck in the
area sometime in the past - maybe 1940s or 1950s - that just a vague

Re: 3 minute video from wildfire - very good

watching 2nd time

was obvious bush was going to ignite - other one was going when video started

also - was a backburn

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 1:52 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> reporter almost gets face burnt off - and almost gets pounded into
> pavement by water drop
> I knew that bush was going to erupt - I could just feel it coming -
> even though I have no idea what type of bush it was - didnt see any
> members in the air
> controlled burn? - what?
> escaped burn? back fire?

3 minute video from wildfire - very good

reporter almost gets face burnt off - and almost gets pounded into
pavement by water drop

I knew that bush was going to erupt - I could just feel it coming -
even though I have no idea what type of bush it was - didnt see any
members in the air

controlled burn? - what?

escaped burn? back fire?

Japan - 8 minute video - cops vs speeders

not sure what the deal here is

maybe - there is no room to pull people over - so the cops follow them
for a while and then yell at them to park it

maybe - the cops will get behind you with red lights on - but let you
go if you slow down

Osaka Japan - Advanced Rescue Team rolling

fully lettered in English and Japanese


southern guy says I gotta bug out

june 2020 video

number 1 item on his list - get out of city - number 2 - bug out 1 or
2 weeks before election

however - if the medevacs are not flying - then anyone seriously
injured in a rural area will be dead - I dont know if he has thought
about that

I just watched first 5 minutes of this 22 minute long video

daily fema brief

2 usar teams on standby for zeta

just 1 home lost in 2 orange county wildfires

somehow Las Vegas and San Francisco and Los Angeles did not go up in
flames even though there was critical fire weather - something worked!

Biden has 7 or 8 point lead

very bad - should be Biden 80% Trump 20%

Taiwan 9 deaths - New Zealand 25 - Cambodia 0 - South Korea 400 - USA
probably 300,000 - (all numbers approx here)

71M have voted already

so biden is 95% elected already

schrodingers president!

Re: scannerist documents tragedy in omaha

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 7:55 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 7:54 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > openness - live scanner audio

scannerist will save the republic

more info on omaha


scannerist documents tragedy in omaha

openness - live scanner audio

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

ornate siren on tokyo volunteer fire station

is that a siren or a bell ?

Encryption of police radio poses dilemma for local governments, journalists

1 page article gives overview of current openness issues

BosAl group created at Google Groups

BosAl group has been created at Googlegroups

there is also a bosal group that was created in 2006 - I guess that is
different - I might be list owner for both lists

does anyone use Email anymore? lol

for breaking incidents from Boston Mass area

Paris FD video from 2006

3 minutes - laying hose into large ornate bld

seen - portable radio on 1 firefighters chest

Re: sierra NF going to a bld fire in calif - feed

apparently was a call in mariposa county - usfs units being released -
USFS Batt 12 rtq Batterson (Sta)

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 5:23 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> cdf tac 7 - mutual aid - reported bld fire
> eng 351 eng 314
> 2 beeps - response checkback - eng 351?
> eng 314 tone 5 - switching over - Sierra copys
> sierra batt 12 show me responding as well - 1420 is time out

sierra NF going to a bld fire in calif - feed

cdf tac 7 - mutual aid - reported bld fire

eng 351 eng 314

2 beeps - response checkback - eng 351?

eng 314 tone 5 - switching over - Sierra copys

sierra batt 12 show me responding as well - 1420 is time out

added new chehalis hq

washington - Lewis County map - added new Chehalis HQ and temp sta
occasions to the map

added new La Porte IN Sta 3 to map

at now

at now

natl guard will deploy in texas on election day

over 50% of vets will vote for trump

what is NOT at

Biden ahead in polls

0 dead in Cambodia

where is the Regeneron?

9 dead in Taiwan

400,000 dead by Xmas

27 dead in New Zealand

covid raging in homeland

trump owes over $1B - probably is worth less than $100

hunter biden story has evaporated into thin air

66% of Supreme Court are now Catholic - Biden is Catholic - there are
only 23 Catholics in Senate - Pelosi is Catholic - Bill Barr is
Catholic - Trump Cabinet is a mixture -
- Jared Kushner is Orthodox Jew - wow - had no clue he was Orthodox

westfield mass live webcam

started oct 2020

1005 am - just saw red ambulance go by - lower edge of screen - took
rite turn - star of life on roof - box on pickup chassis - maybe
westfield fd - very quick catch

live cam - live streaming webcam - live video - live streaming video

barnes airport webcams down

ran in 2019

natl guard probably didnt like that

chester mass - railroad cam

signal might have just gone down

started aug 5 2020

railroad cam at westfield also

live streaming video - live video - live webcam - live streaming webcam

live stream - dover foxcroft maine

started 5 hours ago

apparently is main st next to movie theatre

12 live webcams - new england

3 views from boston museum of science - couple from maine also

live Boston Harbor webcam - nice

from regency hotel at logan airport - shows downtown

started march 5 2020

live webcam - live streaming webcam

Russia - large industrial bld on fire - video

initial - 5 FF with scba arrive on a command post bus - 2 radio
consoles and multi portable radios on the bus - 1 person is staffing 1
radio console while they are still enroute

3:43 they hook up to a pumper on a hydrant far away from fire - maybe
quarter mile or more

live quake alarm - cajon pass

alarm might sound 25 seconds AFTER earthquake

solar powered - might not work at night

Hurricane Zeta on way to New Orleans

weds / thurs - 85 mph

schipol airport - live cam

another plane spotter in action - approx 1000 watching

english speaking

Flying Matters

Netherlands - I think

Monday, October 26, 2020

Broward County gets new Fire EMS helo

no hoist per photo

black nurses being hit by covid

still lacking PPE

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

805 pm edt - reported apt bld fire will be handled by units not
assigned to the wildfires

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:41 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> "california has the most robust mutual aid system anywhere in the world"
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:41 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > 2 helos can fly overnight - 1 Or Co helo + 1 Edison helitanker
> >
> > 2 injured firefighters were from Orange County hand crew - near heel
> > of fire - dont know what occurred - they are gravely injured per ?Or
> > Co FD PIO?
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:38 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > no structures lost yet per press conference - 738 pm edt
> > >
> > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:32 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > press conference just mentioned firefighters in hospital who are
> > > > struggling - 732pm edt
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:22 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt
> > > > >
> > > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

New freqs USA for week ending Oct 25 2020
- sortable spreadsheet
- nonsortable spreadsheet

0 low band licenses

7 vhf hi licenses

3 uhf licenses

5 700/800 licenses

not alot of new licenses this week

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

"california has the most robust mutual aid system anywhere in the world"

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:41 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> 2 helos can fly overnight - 1 Or Co helo + 1 Edison helitanker
> 2 injured firefighters were from Orange County hand crew - near heel
> of fire - dont know what occurred - they are gravely injured per ?Or
> Co FD PIO?
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:38 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > no structures lost yet per press conference - 738 pm edt
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:32 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > press conference just mentioned firefighters in hospital who are
> > > struggling - 732pm edt
> > >
> > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:22 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> > > > >
> > > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> > > > > >
> > > > > > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

2 helos can fly overnight - 1 Or Co helo + 1 Edison helitanker

2 injured firefighters were from Orange County hand crew - near heel
of fire - dont know what occurred - they are gravely injured per ?Or

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:38 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> no structures lost yet per press conference - 738 pm edt
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:32 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > press conference just mentioned firefighters in hospital who are
> > struggling - 732pm edt
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:22 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt
> > >
> > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> > > > >
> > > > > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> > > > >
> > > > > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

no structures lost yet per press conference - 738 pm edt

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:32 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> press conference just mentioned firefighters in hospital who are
> struggling - 732pm edt
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:22 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> > >
> > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> > > >
> > > > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> > > >
> > > > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

press conference just mentioned firefighters in hospital who are
struggling - 732pm edt

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:22 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> > >
> > > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> > >
> > > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

fire has crossed 241 - I think it is heading to the south - 722 pm edt

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:07 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> >
> > KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> >
> > Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

silverado fire just requested 3 LATs - 707pm edt

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:50 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> there are 2 fires in Orange County actually
> KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube
> Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

injured firefighters in Orange County

per comment at Lookner - no idea if true or not

Dave, Temecula CA

2 Orange County firefighters have been injured and in critical
condition burns over 50% of their bodies keep them in your prayers

Re: Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

there are 2 fires in Orange County actually

KTLA is covering both of them - 1 on Facebook - 1 on YouTube

Silverado Fire and Blue Ridge Fire

Lookner is covering fire in Orange County CA

has scanner running - probably is Broadcastify

just requested 2 more TY3 airtankers - 73 and 74 flew from Hemet and
made a drop - they are going back to Hemet now

openness - live scanner audio

bapern 3 rollcall coming up at 1030 am - boston mass area

se district - maybe by plymouth county sheriff - headsup given at 1025
am after a high low tone

Tokyo Earthquake Plan - thinking out loud

just talking outloud

since they have so many narrow streets and dense neighborhoods - with
very few open areas - and lots of electrical wires overhead - and
apparently more cisterns than hydrants - and many 2 or 3 story wood
structures - and probably tons of plastics in every building

if they get hit with a 9.3 earthquake - their streets will all be
filled with debris and collapsed buildings and power lines

if the power goes out immediately - then perhaps there will be very
few ignition sources - whatever fires break out can possibly be
contained by water scooping helos - the helos can scoop from the bay
and from rivers and maybe from a couple of open sources - maybe the
airport in the west needs a couple of large tankers and portable fire
ponds that helos can scoop from

for rescue efforts to proceed - they will probably need hundreds of
bulldozers and loaders and cranes - I am not sure where they will get
them from - its not like they are a mining region with lots of
bulldozers laying around - perhaps they need a nationwide plan to get
bulldozers to Tokyo in a hurry

maybe they need to equip all of their pumpers with snow (debris) plows
- maybe they could rig up some sort of primitive V shaped plows so
they can get thru debris filled streets

I wonder if the City owns any snow plows? I dont thnk they get very much snow

Answer -
- snow is rare in Tokyo - 2 inches shut down the city in 2016 - other
parts of the country have no problem handling snow - one city has hot
water sprinklers in the middle of roads

once the roads get opened up - the ambulances and rescue crews can
swarm into Tokyo to help the victims - if they are still alive

street view - tokyo highway

they seem to have a maximum of 2 lanes in each direction

on amp here - notice lane markings

roadway seems perfect

tokyo - morishita subway sta

long corridors underground - absolutely no one around - spotless

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Shanghai Tower is only 50% occupied

5 minute video

2nd tallest building in the world

FD held up opening for many years

there is another video that talks about water leaks from floor 60 to floor 9

wind turbines on top provide 10% of bld power needs

Cohen: ‘There Will Never Be A Peaceful Transition Of Power’ | MSNBC

Nov 3 2020 - monitoring plan - (Boston area)

Nov 3 2020 - monitoring plan

lets listen to 470.7875 and 483.2875 for all major police and fire/ems
incidents in the greater Boston area - maybe 471.6875 or 153.965 also
for MEMA

online - keep an eye on national and international breaking news -
maybe keep an ear on Wash DC FD online - they also handle ambulances
for Wash DC - maybe we can find a feed for Mir Lago FL also

I suppose it is possible that we could have a couple of 9.3
earthquakes on 11/3 - plus a couple of blizzards - and maybe a couple
of nuclear explosions or WMD attacks - plus a huge power outage - but
I don't think that FEMA is forecasting any of that - keep your eye on
the FEMA Daily Ops Brief for details

(yes - some of this is tongue in cheek - some of it)

Nov 3 plan

the Nov 3 plan for trump might be

1. claim victory

2. claim victory stolen away from him

3. call for armed revolution

when trumpf starts into Phase 2 - the news media should immediately
cut him off - to prevent him from going to Phase 3

of course all the national guard and all the police and all the
military should be on duty - to prevent anyone from doing something
really really stupid - no matter how honorable their intentions might
be - if their case is strong, they should be able to go onto reddit,
and convince the whole world within 10 minutes - if not - then they
are just a crackpot

iirc - Y2K was a bust because lots of people did the hard work to
prevent it from becoming a major issue - lets hope the same holds true
for Nov 3 2020

fox news website today

looking at the headlines

no mention of 400,000 dead by Xmas

no poll showing Biden ahead

no mention of owing $1B to unknown parties

no mention of Russians and collusion and oligarchs and money
laundering and trans national crime

no mention of the filthy rich

"new" accusations about Biden - lol lol lol lol

no mention of Borat movie

no mention of unprotected sex with porn stars or rape or Epstein or Maxwell

no mention of Qanon either - strange

report on Boston elevator death

dont click this link

multi videos play - you have to hit close 50 times before they stop


elevator story is pretty weird - she only fell 1 floor? she died of
asphyxiation? she hit the switch by mistake TWICE?

huge tiller for Staunton Virginia

roof saws near ladder tip


all german rigs have cafs per comment

too big for european cities

some day I would love to see an honest comparison between tillers and
non tillers in regards to maneuverability

something to think about - you could probably buy 10 small ambulances
for the price of this truck

trump in manchester nh today ?

upcoming webstream

towboat thru RR swing bridge

maybe Iowa - cab view from towboat - 6 minutes

comments have engineering info on bridge - built in 1927

barnum circus home on cliff

sometimes you have to hunt around

sometimes you have to hunt around to find the volunteer stations in Tokyo

this one is built into the side of a modern building

Re: shinjuku vols sta 6 - built into school

yup - horns are way up top -

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 11:45 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> volunteer station built into side of school - maybe is part of school
> garage or something
> red light - all the vol stations have them - not sure why
> why are the big emblems all in English?
> I dont see any antennas nor horns here - maybe on top of the 6 story school ?

shinjuku vols sta 6 - built into school

volunteer station built into side of school - maybe is part of school
garage or something

red light - all the vol stations have them - not sure why

why are the big emblems all in English?

I dont see any antennas nor horns here - maybe on top of the 6 story school ?

Fauci update in 3 days

if you saw the Borat movie you know that Fauci was XXX by XXX - so beware

lapd in major crash - video report


men in black - lapd cops - black shirts - black pants

moscow plane crash report


videos - mega quake vs california / west coast - 2:25 - blds built before 1980s in trouble - cascadia quake - 2020 - 9.2 quake

Machida is a horny place

8 horns on 1 fire station

many of the Tokyo area volunteer fire stations have 4 horns or a siren
- this place is really horny

I bet they do announcements all night long for people to be quiet at
night - maybe not - no one could be that dumb

100 things you have never heard trumpf say

let me think about that

I was wrong

I apologize

thats a funny joke

I am sorry

I feel bad for ....

I love xyz

I learned something new today

I am so proud of .....


maybe the trumpf movie will be called - Rage in a Bottle (of Shampoo)

or - Its a Horrible Life

or - Sitting Bullshit

or - Liar King

NRC - lessons learned from Fukishima Quake

tokyo police have a real brand

gold emblem on front grill

I am pretty sure they can raise that light bar about 10 feet - makes
them more visible when blocking traffic

Saturday, October 24, 2020

motor vehicle barricade plan for Arlington

barricade points for Arlington

1. mass ave at alewife brook pkwy

2. bike path at rte 2 bridge

3. Lake St offramp from Rte 2

4. Pleasant St at Rte 2

5. pedestrian bridge over rte 2 at Highland Ave

6. Park Ave at Rte 2

7. Dow Ave at Rte 2

8. Appleton St at Rte 2

9. Mass Ave at Lexington line approx

10. Bikepath at Lexington line

11. Lowell St at Lexington line approx

12. Summer St at Lexington line

13. St Eulalias Church area

12. Winchester Country Club

13. Rte 60 at Mystic River

14. River St at Mystic River

15. Mystic Valley Pkwy at Alewife Brook

16. Broadway at Alewife Brook

17 Henderson St at Alewife Brook


MREs were 80% of meals in Afghanistan for infantry

5 minute video shows how the MRE are prepared and eaten in the field

jalapeno cheese spread is el eupremo

hot sauce packet makes any meal edible

10 survival tips for shtf

10 minutes


damage control on nuclear submarines

dont touch a concrete bld in tstorm

say what?

flat creek inn - live webcam

maybe wyoming or somewhere

looks like a storm is brewing

active 2 or 4 lane highway

video - chief first on scene

south metro denver colorado


was just watching a pre arrival video from regina - 3 cops on scene
long before FD arrived at a house fire

elderly couple dies in colorado wildfire

maybe he was a former firefighter

cops rescuing people - 2018 video

10 minutes

bad comments on phoenix pre arrival video

putting wet stuff on red stuff - previous post was same

1. surely they knew that bld was 900 feet from entrance

2. many FDs seem to run into major problems once they hit 1 dead hydrant

Pre Arrival video - tulsa house fire

they probably could have hit it from the outside also - stop the
weakening of the structural members and joints

as long as the roof does not fall on their heads - then they are
reasonably safe working inside that house


interesting videos - firefighters prepare

portland firefighters prepare for election


this recycling website is terrible

took me 10 minutes to figure out the system

let me try to explain


there are 4 primary labels - they have different arrows on them - the
4 labels are -

Widely Recycled

Limited Recycling* Not recycled in all communities

Not Yet Recycled

Store Drop Off


there is additional info on the label - the type of material and the
cleaning procedure

calfire cdf ready

saved maybe

calfire is ready

look at this news report

do they look ready to you?

"staffing up REALLY across all of northern California"

weather lady says nothing can be done when winds get to 70 mph

reporter says its a recipe with a secret ingredient

jeez - that must be a San Francisco station

"Cal Fire ready for dangerous fire conditions expected over the weekend"

you know when they lose 10,000 homes on Sunday that this news report
will disappear from the Internet

Re: Mumbai had a level 5 fire

mall fire - they have a tower ladder - and red tankers

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 11:37 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> check out fire chiefs helmet
> politician bodyguard has machine gun

Mumbai had a level 5 fire

check out fire chiefs helmet

politician bodyguard has machine gun

live cam of cameron peak fire in colorado

I dont see any smoke

they might have some wind and warmth today

Did SWNH get a new tac channel ?

151.2725 - 4 bases and 1000 mtns - high power bases on high sites - 2
in NH + 2 in VT

fema daily ops brief

final report on Mullen Fire in Wyoming - 176,000 acres - 32 homes
destroyed - 34 other buildings destroyed - zero deaths

tarrytown ny - headless horseman

sleepy hollow

per npr weekend edition - ambulance has emblem of headless horseman on
side - dont know if I would want to get into that ambulance - probably
will drive very fast

some soldier lost his head due to a cannon ball - the tale of the
headless hoseman

Re: Kobe Japan - rigs rolling

somehow a whole country survives without airhorns on the fire trucks

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 8:37 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> rescue + chief + big truck - make Uturn
> 1 minute video
> maybe a mobile command post

Kobe Japan - rigs rolling

rescue + chief + big truck - make Uturn

1 minute video

maybe a mobile command post

2nd stream from Heathrow

this guy is in middle of field with horses

other feeder is over by highway I think

gusting to 44 at Heathrow

live stream heathrow airport

was on in AM also

big jet TV also has YT stream up at heathrow

Estes Park CO - mandatory evacs

wildfire is spreading apparently

Friday, October 23, 2020

Boogaloo pretending to be antifa - discussion

airshow videos - archival

running live now

being archived before they are lost forever - per the broadcaster at
245 pm edt ish

Both Trumpf and Biden are total frauds

no mention of taiwan - new zealand - vietnam - cambodia - japan -
(only 1 mention of south korea - related to military drills)

there you have it - BOTH Biden and Trumpf are total frauds


here is what I posted yesterday

COVID update - deaths as of today

Worldwide - 1,140,000 (1.14 million)

USA - 223,000

Taiwan - 7

New Zealand - 25

Vietnam - 35

Cambodia - 0

South Korea - 453

friggin mind boggling

Thursday, October 22, 2020

North Dakota mortality is highest in world

covid is raging in the USA

re - WA 911 problems

everything is OK now

Washington State - 911 Issues

maybe getting repaired now

Covid deaths as of today

COVID update - deaths as of today

Worldwide - 1,140,000 (1.14 million)

USA - 223,000

Taiwan - 7

New Zealand - 25

Vietnam - 35

Cambodia - 0

South Korea - 453

friggin mind boggling

Seattle has a 911 problem

911 is down

debate combat air patrol

tulsa ok fire video

too many guys on ladder per comments

helicopter video

shintech in texas

pvc producer - 3 plants at freeport texas - also louisiana - 451.4625 - shintech
emergency notification - hearing some digital signal

overview of covid info from rochelle

recap of covid info from rochelle at harvard university

no widespread vaccine until 2022 probably

next 2 months could be bad - expect 400,000 excess deaths in USA by end of year

masks work well - dexamethasone is the treatment of choice (the steroid)

hydroxycholquine is useless - per 2 major studies

remdesivir aint much better

distribution of ppe and ventilators has been bad

presentation was from JAMA

monoclonal antibodies will be very expensive

NO MENTION OF GARLIC VITAMIN D TAGAMET - thats all crazy talk - right?

153M registered voters in usa

there are 153 M registered voters in usa - so biden needs approx 75
million votes - 40M have voted already - so biden is 50% elected
already - cause we know everyone is voting for biden

7 years ago - brazil night club fire

231 died

station night club fire video - dont watch

you probably should not watch this - per the comments

the foam guys - going nowhere fast

maybe japan - tanker and nozzle truck - maybe a foam task force

bendy bridge in arkansas


Re: [sme2] upcoming covid update - maybe 9 AM EDT

starting at 929 am edt

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 9:28 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> starting now
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 9:16 AM Peter Sz via
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > maybe at 9 am edt
> >
> > by Harvard University person
> >
> >
> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> > Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
> > View/Reply Online (#3350):
> > Mute This Topic:
> > Group Owner:
> > Unsubscribe: []
> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> >
> >

East Troublesome Fire in Colorado

holy crap - where did that come from

live video - 125,000 acres so far

Re: upcoming covid update - maybe 9 AM EDT

21 minutes away still - now it seems it will start at 920 am edt

getting weird now

why are there only 4 people waiting to watch?

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 8:37 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> maybe at 9 am edt
> by Harvard University person

upcoming covid update - maybe 9 AM EDT

maybe at 9 am edt

by Harvard University person

grand junction co active now

spot fires now near homes - number 1 feed at broadcastify - 820 am edt

CenturyLink helo finds drowned girl

pretty little girl 3 years old

centuryLink is a telecommunications provider

thinking about this - wouldnt a child scream if she fell in the water?
- maybe TV was on in house

debate topics tonight

debate topics tonight

life expectancy

distribution of wealth

nuclear weapons

food supply

global warming

national resiliency



political system

mental illness

yes - we have none of that

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

recording of the press conference

fbi presser might be 100% distraction

re FBI presser - could be distraction from many storys - 5G -
ghouliani - regeneron - obamas comments today re trumps china checking
account and huge debts - fauci - 60 minutes story - ghislaine maxwell

re - fbi presser - very odd

This attack is not focused on Donald Trump. It's all directed at
Biden. - per Tim Hogan on Twitter

not sure what fbi presser was really about

what is this? - emails from proud boys were actually from Iran?

re FBI - Iran and Russia attacking the election now

they got some voter info - maybe threatening emails being sent - maybe
a bogus video also

fbi presser

try here

fbi presser starting at 730 pm edt

major deal about election

tons of nutrition info in this subreddit

DOD must rethink strategic deterrence

basically - seems that DOD wants more nukes because China and Russia
have more nukes


kinda funny to see the commander of nuclear weapons wearing covid masks

covid has killed 200,000 - maybe will kill 500,000 in usa - have the
nukes helped?


'patchwork of deliberate systems'

maybe he means - patchwork of delicate systems

Dennis Mass firefighter charged with rape

royalston fire has new scanner feed

at broadcastify

royalston massachusetts -

live scanner audio

March 2020 document from California

Subject: 2024 Minimum Channel Capacity and 2020 MACS 441 Summary

9 pages - comparison of 2019 vs 2020 channel loads

Garret County MD lists their radio channels


Oregon needs more fire trucks

no mention of staffing reserve rigs

therefore this article get 5 pinocchios

NJ Medevacs facebook page

gofundme for a nurse

New Jersey Transit PD has a big rescue truck

siren video - 1,000 views

1,000 views in 1 day


Ludhiana India FD tackles truck fire

no turnouts - white helmets

1.5 minute video

Oakland Fire 1991 destroyed 3,000 homes

FD had 2 radio channels then - now they have 10 channels - so it can
never happen again - lol

Campbell FD buys church

1 minute news report

they bought a whole church

not sure why

maybe they needed a place to store their heathens

fire at bakery in northern India

2 minute news report - not in english

chief speak - 1 pumper seen with 2 FF

flames seen also

took 2 hours to extinguish per text

don rickles on snl 2013

Scott Thrower1 week ago
Met him backstage in Vegas in the early 90s. Very nice. I asked him to
insult me. He said, "nope. I only insult people who matter." 👍🤣

Iran - video of air defense missiles

2 minutes

includes video of command center

montreal fire truck burns down

covid death rates are dropping

doctors are getting better at saving sick people

wood ridge nj - fire station video - 2015

station has a air horn that sounds like a train

houston sta 68 to house fire

1 minute video

includes radio dispatch - lots of units - sounds like some mutual aid units also

camera man used radio reference to find frequency to put into his scanner

houston sta 68 - everyone goes

1 minute video

listening to the river on fm

maybe 92.5 - "Andover" Mass

played star spangled banner at 8 am

just played NH car dealership ad - free 3 year mtnce for first
responders + doctors + nurses

help wanted ad for plumbing company in derry nh - veteran owned and
operated - 'do you want to work for a company that honesty counts?'
(words like that)

soft rock - live person speaks once in a while - no news on the hour iirc

Daily FEMA OPs Brief

critical fire weather in CA and ?NM tomorrow - not extreme however

8 inches of snow for North Dakota - them poor people

live german trucker

750 am edt - he was on autobahn - some cars were passing him like he
was standing still - not exaggerating - must have been doing 120 mph

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

california vegetation is bad

not sure how a green shrub turns into a fireball - but here it is

putting wet stuff on red stuff

has 911 calls and radio traffic - nice - not in real time though

did that airtanker drop gasoline?

where did the phoschek go?

putting red stuff on red stuff

putting wet stuff on red stuff

Excuse while I lick my .......

per comment - You'd never catch Pavarotti doing that in the middle of
a song... although it would have been amazing to see him try!


my old favorite was - excuse while I clear my throat

this is obviously my new favorite

Maryland 2020 list of FDs

there are many more federal FDs - but they are not on this list

list of FDIDs

fox news today

no mention of biden lead - but there is a story about 'surprise trump victory'

no mention of 360K dead by Xmas

no mention of joint chiefs of staff

no mention of russians indicted

no mention of trump owing $1B

Joint Chiefs have left quarantine - maybe

csaf and cso mean what?

very hard to decipher this article

Jersey City going to encryption

the news media is changing - citizen app provides lots of local breaking news

perhaps local news media will focus more on bureaucratic issues

openness - transparency - keywords

docooler airband receiver

40 pounds = $51 US

maybe can just receive 1 channel at a time

Air band 118 mhz to 138 mh

FM 87.5 to 108 mhz

AM 520 khz to 1720 khz

shortwave - .2 mhz to 30 mhz

VHF - 30 mhz to 223 mhz FMN and FMW

CB 25 mhz to 28 Mhz

unknown if can be purchased in usa

foreign scanner from 2014

70 mhz 140 mhz - 406 mhz am

UK freq guide 2020 ?

live video from East Midland UK Airport

360 radar should have aircraft on ground

737 about to take off

cant stream aircoms

6 minute video - NYC - garden hose vs bld fire

garden hose did not work - too much fire - not enough water

per comment - 3 minutes for FDNY to get line charged

keywords - putting wet stuff on red stuff - fire attack

if yahoogroups are going away

if yahoogroups are going away - we have been simulcasting posts on
google groups for a while

usually same group names - except that firealert at yahoogroups is
usafire at googlegroups

st paul mn chase video

riding in the car with THE SHERIFF and the crime analyst

radio comms seem to be 100% clear - maybe clipping messages at beginning a bit

thats probably on the state 800 mhz TRS

1 hour video - NYC 23rd St fire in 1966

12 FF killed

I think this video is mostly about building construction issues

52:00 approx - talk about how all firefighters now have portable
radios - and everyone wants to rush to where the action is

Video - overview of NMAS

national mutual aid system

associated with international fire chiefs association apparently

computer system for ordering mutual aid help

approx nov 2019 info

I have no idea who uses this system at this time

preventative mtnce for semis

15K - 100K - 300K - 500,000 mile recommendations

5 minute video

8 MPG at 65 mph is cited as a good baseline

sounds like a modern semi is very complicated

incident response unit - near atlanta georgia

yellow mid size truck

maybe a break down service / driver help service ?

2 minute video - car fire on Interstate - 2 cops there also

October 2020 video - Paris FD

2 minute video

looks like 2 new ambulances - 1 is 4 door

at the end - that looks like a new pumper - almost looks like they
could slide a stretcher sideways into the cab

the mid size pumper with the doors in the back is probably a
pumper/ambulance aka engine/ambulance aka pumper ambulance aka
ambulance pumper aka engine ambulance aka ambulance engine

Osaka Japan - turn out time

1 minute to 2 minute turnout time

tone at very beginning - flashing light on wall - then voice alert

rescue gets out in 1 minute - then small pumper - then ladder - chief
does not go yet - maybe 2nd pumper behind chief

they really need some lights or gates to control bikes and traffic

keywords - chute time - mobilization time - shout time - out the door time

baby pandas video

this is a good one

she must have apples or treats in her pockets

Monday, October 19, 2020

traffic crash during grass fire

on US50 in El Dorado County CA

aftermath of 3 car crash

helo drops

units going wrong way on highway - contra flow

5 minute video

washington mass - dirtbike down

Washington Mass - next to Becket Mass - dirtbike down - male with
broken leg - West Branch Rd -

update on alaska quake

update on tsunami - no tsunami threat to US outside of Alaska

alaska quake 7.5

NOAA is evaluating possible tsunami threat along west coast

Easthampton Mass - new scanner feed

police and fire and dpw

Lakewood NJ has a 2nd alarm

20 minutes old

oct 16 tweet

oct 16 2020 tweet by @zerg90

trump will proclaim that the election is rigged

I will dig up these tweets from fox news showing trump far behind

end of story - for sane people

fox news website today fox news front page as of 1 hour ago

no mention of Biden lead nor Russian indictments nor Regeneron nor
exploding covid in USA nor Joint Chiefs of Staff

there is a pinned graphic that now shows 217,000 covid deaths in USA &
1.09M covid deaths worldwide

2020 Cal IFOG

250 pages - from Jan 2020

lists public safety radio channels for most counties and some statewide systems

New Freqs USA for week ending Oct 18 2020
- sortable spreadsheet
- nonsortable spreadsheet

1 license with low band freqs

7 licenses with VHF highband freqs

4 licenses with UHF freqs

8 licenses with 700 or 800 mhz freqs

ZERG90 website - now with 100% more Pink Piggy

good morning vietnam!

lets hope everyone can see this - 1 way or the other

drowning in Virginia

npr news is running this story today

dispatchers now being trained to "listen better"

Japan - train thru station at 250 mph

honest to gawd - I blinked and mostly missed it the first time

train hits bridge - $2M damage

many failure points here apparently - should have been a over height
detector - yardmaster should have caught error - dispatcher also -
maybe engineer also

multi points of error - systems analysis - multiple causes

south san francisco had warehouse fire also

when it rains - it pours

they come in threes - or twos - or ones

Bland and Belle MO FDs share a quint

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Is Regeneron being hoarded?

trump got regeneron on oct 2 - today is oct 18 - usa is losing close
to 1,000 per day due to covid - apparently close to 16,000 have died
due to lack of regeneron so far

they have enough regeneron to treat 50,000 people - who are they
hoarding it for?

no MSM stories about Regeneron

still no major stories in the MSM about the miracle drug Regeneron

imagine that - miracle drug saves the leader of the free world - and
no one is reporting on it

at Fox News now

approx 100 items here

nothing about REGENERON

nothing about Bidens lead

nothing about 360,000 expected deaths by Xmas due to covid

nothing about Joint Chiefs of Staff in quarantine

nothing about Trump having close to $1 billion in debt

(he never had covid - that was ALL a scam - if he really had covid,
Fox would be hawking Regeneron stock everywhere)

South Australia getting 600 more vol firefighters

sounds good - unless they lost 600 to retirement

computer printers are a total scam - per reddit

chicago area - more field fires today

lots of mutual aid moving around

Lahore Pakistan - big fire today

2 huge snorkels - 10 tanker trucks - 100 cops / soldiers

wildfire video from California - 10 minutes

dont read the comments - watch the first 2 minutes - then ask yourself
- can they hold this fire? - how many engines are needed to hold this

note - strike team is 5 engines and 1 chief - these are city engines
(TYPE 1 engines - crew of 4 people) - probably 750 gallons of water in
the tank plus a 1250 gpm pump

looks like 2 helitankers and 1 copter - plus 1 water tender (maybe
2500 gallons of water and maybe 500 gpm pump) - plus at least 1 TY3
engine from USFS (green) (150 gpm and 500 gallon water)

pasadena engine and arcadia engine - units from los angeles county
operating in san bernardino county on mutual aid

trump at church live

in las vegas - no one wearing masks

corn field fire in Illinois

2 minutes

Montgomery County TX - fire trucks are huge

rich county north of Houston

units responding to a 2nd alarm fire

couple of horsies across the road also

standing on the street corner filming the responding units - got all but first 2

video from NY

fire and EMS units blasting down road to a bld fire with victims

radio traffic but cant hear it over sirens

hitler rant

hitler rants

trump vs covid

hitler in bunker

trump in bunker

spoof parody parodies parodize

fda wont let me

update on 'early voting' in massachusetts

550,000 have voted early in Massachusetts as of Saturday afternoon

Boston has 27 early voting locations

each city and town must have at least 1 location

Fenway Park got 2,300 voters

Oct 30 is last day to early vote - Sat is last day to register

UK govt to recommend Vit D against Covid

how can civilian jet be listed as military?

plane associated with steve bannon maybe

Hall County Nebraska area map

both Grand Island and Hastings have somewhat redundant Rural FDs -
they really need to look at that closely - or just keep wasting money
- whatever

goofy grand island people

2019 street view


Grand Island NE - 911 Center

2019 street view - bld is to right

Saturday, October 17, 2020

wildfire near Boulder Colorado - now

Lanesboro Mass incident

Lanesboro Mass - Rockwell Rd - female down on trail 600 feet in -
dislocated ankle - retone for more manpower -

report on corn fires in Illinois

farmers with discs saved the day

medevac pilot almost lost his home

Guyton GA FD merges into County FD

crazy story - 2019 - town of 1,500 people - had a fulltime fire chief
plus volunteers - they agreed to contract for FD service from county
FD - magically they got 6 people on duty in the station 24/7

maybe thats wrong - maybe it is 6 FT people total - with 2 on each
platoon - with 3 platoons - with 1 platoon at the station at a time

even still - thats magically - going from a station with 1 fulltime
person to a station with 6 fulltime people

I bet the PD has 10 fulltime people

insane staffing in a podunk town

how is that possible?

216,000 covid-19 deaths now per fema

Friday, October 16, 2020

video of bulletin board on floor 1

saved at wayback machine

for the first time .......

For the first time in U.S. history, a sitting President seeking
re-election will not receive the endorsement of any previous

Homewood AL FD has bobcat loaders

will clear trees from roads after tornado

craziest FD ever - Brighton Alabama,_Alabama - 1 square mile -
3,000 population - 90% black - 10/16/2020
- Feb 2020 - 20 minute response time to house fire - will become
fulltime FD soon

there are approx 13 stations within 5 road miles of the Brighton Fire
Station - maybe 50% are paid fulltime stations - Birmingham Sta 11
with Engine 11 and Rescue 11 are approx 1.5 miles from the Brighton
Fire Station

this is insane

UK medevac helo launches in 2 minutes after siren sounds

holy crap - just 2 minutes - (mentioned approx 2 minutes into this tape)

turnout time - launch time - response time - shout time - activation
time - chute time - scramble time - mobilization time - keywords

video of fdny - recent pallet yard fire

video has lots of fireground radio traffic

such as

four five chauffeur

Engine four 6 to Ladder five eight

46 Engine

Engine nine two / engine ninety two


go to the command channel (near end of tape)

maybe some doubles - nothing obvious though

Battalion One Two to Command

per comment - "when did they stop using "K"?"

(can confirm - never heard anyone say "K" - THATS HUGE! - 100 years
they said K - and then they just stopped - cool - it always was

K! K? K^&&%%%

think about it - whats the point of saying "K"? - I am sure originally
it was used to signify the end of a message and to serve the same
meaning as "over" - as in - "over to you - you can talk now" - but
iirc they have honks at the beginning and ends of their messages now

8/29/2020 lake palo pinto fire

freight trains are now tracked by satellite

scannerists can listen for EOT UHF devices also

trains no longer can be tracked via the internet

trump / biden to debate next week - ????

702 - npr news - biden says was mistake to support crime bill of 1992?
that filled jails - "both agreed to debate next week"

did they say that trump and biden would debate next week?

texas big tanker with deck gun

acme tanker - ??? - why acm ?

see old pumper also

fire stations on both side of road

Thursday, October 15, 2020

getting your motor vehicle registration cancelled out of the blue - Massachusetts

car dealerships + insurance agents etc can cancel motor vehicle
registrations - and the owner is not notified apparently

danger danger Will Robinson

Frontline - Paradise CA wildfire

911 call with 3 trapped people - etc

Paradise CA - radio traffic

initial 5 hours

thomas fire radio traffic

2018 - ventura county california

first 11 hours of the fire

cab ride in freight train

just routine runs - some rural - some big city

really staticy radio

at 28:00 approx - I think the yard man is giving him foot by foot callouts

beware of scam re $1200 checks from treasury - dont click link

dont click links in emails or texts re $1200 treasury checks

I have not read the article or done any research on this - but I bet
that you really dont want to click the link

SDS100 battery problems ???

thread started in april 2019

maybe the batteries from 2019 were thin - and had a problem - ??? -
not sure - didnt read whole discussion yet

Twitter still has problems - 748 pm edt

chatters at lookner still reporting many problems

twitter might be coming back on

lookner seeing some tweets - but he cant tweet

save twitter now!

we need $666

Re: did covid kill twitter?

lookner says twitter down for 38 to 45 minutes

down in UK

back up in vegas at 616 pm - up in finland

lookner can receive DMs - but cant see emoji of some senders

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 6:12 PM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> or is it just me?

did covid kill twitter?

or is it just me?

Citizen app now covers Boston

openness - live scanner audio

some posts at RR get 1K views

a couple of posts here have received 1,000 views (with 0 replies)

apparently Radio Reference has at least 1,000 scannerists

Japan lawsuit ruling

Japanese government was told in ?1992? that a major tsunami would
cause major problems - the government did nothing

('sendai verdict' announced today)

this is the first time that the government has been really held accountable

hopefully all dangerous nuclear power plants will be shut down

per npr news - 543 pm edt - via wbur fm

most corrupt housing authority in the world



72 killed

new drones will detect aerosols

Biden has 91% chance of winning Electoral College

Biden has 91% chance of winning Electoral College - Trump has 9% chance

lets see if I can find this info at Fox News


per npr at 509 pm edt via wbur fm in boston

19 million have voted already - 5X more early voters than in 2016 -
mostly Democrats - 7X more Blacks have voted so far vs 2016

80 million early ballots have been requested across the USA

[what are the odds that the votes will be tallied correctly?]

More info about Vitamin D

crazy vitamin D data from 2010

85% of people taking 1K per day were deficient

many people taking 5K per day were deficient

"as people age, they convert less vitamin D in their skin from sunlight."

"We were not able to evaluate body mass index, which is another
determinant of vitamin D requirement. Heavier people require more
vitamin D than thinner individuals"

bottom line - this article recommends that approx 7K per day be taken

NOTE - I am not sure what type of D3 they are talking about here -
unknown how it is produced - unknown if it even makes any difference
or not

Chula Vista FD seeks to run ambulance service

you can support openMhz

$5 per month to $1000 per month

you have to sign up to github

he has a 7 year old notebook he is using for programming

Re: Sycuan FD - Wildland Division

here is the quint - fire sta is up there per sign on other driveway

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 9:25 AM Peter Szerlagi <> wrote:
> would love to see their budget documents
> hotshot crew is funded by BIA per
> who funds that ambulance? maybe it is a reserve amb funded by the
> tribe thru th sycuan fd structural division
> what is that big white truck?
> what are the 2 small white trucks?
> so many questions for such a small FD
> where is the quint parked?

sycuan po po

pronounced sequin police

Sycuan FD - Wildland Division

would love to see their budget documents

hotshot crew is funded by BIA per

who funds that ambulance? maybe it is a reserve amb funded by the
tribe thru th sycuan fd structural division

what is that big white truck?

what are the 2 small white trucks?

so many questions for such a small FD

where is the quint parked?