Friday, October 16, 2020

video of fdny - recent pallet yard fire

video has lots of fireground radio traffic

such as

four five chauffeur

Engine four 6 to Ladder five eight

46 Engine

Engine nine two / engine ninety two


go to the command channel (near end of tape)

maybe some doubles - nothing obvious though

Battalion One Two to Command

per comment - "when did they stop using "K"?"

(can confirm - never heard anyone say "K" - THATS HUGE! - 100 years
they said K - and then they just stopped - cool - it always was

K! K? K^&&%%%

think about it - whats the point of saying "K"? - I am sure originally
it was used to signify the end of a message and to serve the same
meaning as "over" - as in - "over to you - you can talk now" - but
iirc they have honks at the beginning and ends of their messages now

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