Friday, May 28, 2021

Revere MA FD - full portable test on Fridays

it seems that Revere FD does a radio test everyday at 830 am - but on
Fridays they test ALL of the portable radios - not just the officers


heard today on 470.0625R over the air via scanner - Friday May 28 2021

828 am - FRIDAY radio test in 2 minutes

830 am - daily test of ALL portables and mobiles -

(mobiles) - C6 car - Eng 1 3 4 5 Lad 1 2

(portables) - C6 portable 1 - C6 portable 2 - C6 portable 3 - Eng 1
portable - Engine 100 - Engine 1 Alpha - Engine 1 Bravo - then Eng 3 4
5 with same format - then - Ladder 1 portable - Ladder 100 - Ladder 1
Alpha - Ladder 1 Bravo - then Lad 2 with same format - Cataldo
Ambulance portable also called


Note - day to day - the officers verbalize the radio IDs of 'Engine
1', 'Ladder 1', 'Engine 3' - etc - both on portables and mobiles

Note - I suspect that the "hundred" IDs are for the drivers
('engineers" in California talk - "apparatus operators" in some
places) - the Alpha and Bravo IDs would be for the

Note - heard Revere beep out box 8213 very quickly on 470.0625R
tonight at 927 pm - there did not seem to be any other related radio
traffic - maybe it was a line box and comms were very quick and done

Note - Cataldo Ambulance Service units are heard on 470.0625R when
responding to 911 calls in Revere - the Cataldo dispatcher is heard on
the Revere FD channel once in a while also

Note - the procedure for Cataldo ambulances seems to be - whenever
Revere wants an ambulance, they call the Cataldo dispatcher via
telephone and request one - then the Cataldo ambulance will sign on to
470.0625R - the first Cataldo unit is A1 - the 2nd unit is A2 - the
third unit is A3 etc - many times the ambulances respond from outside
of Revere - Cataldo SOP probably is for any Cataldo unit that gets
assigned to a Revere call or to Revere coverage is expected to place 1
portable radio on the Revere FD channel - Cataldo ambulances talk to
Revere fire units and the Revere Fire dispatcher on 470.0625R

When Revere FD dispatches a EMS call - they say - words to the effect
of - attention Engine 1 and Ambulance - respond to 11 Main St for a
fall - the word Ambulance is very generic in this case considering
that it could be A1 A2 A3 thru A10 etc that responds to the call -
depending on how many EMS calls are already in progress

This is the same procedure that Cataldo uses in all of the cities and
towns that they serve - they expect their ambulances to monitor both
the Cataldo channels and the fire channels - at the same time

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