Friday, September 3, 2021

What Should Have Happened Re Hurricane Ida

What should have happened re Hurricane Ida

1. NWS forecasts Cat 4
2. since Cat 4 will cause serious bld damage - then everyone has to
leave the areas where Cat 4 will hit
3. many people have trouble getting out so assistance is needed -
transportation + food + medical care + lodging - (1 school bus + 1 EMT
+ 1 box of MRE + a destination)
4. city is not supposed to lose ALL 8 electrical feeders
5. recovery efforts commence


we spent $14B on levies - they worked

the storm found a way to breach our defences

310 pm edt guy on wwl

homeowners insurance now has mandatory evacuation coverage - 316 pm edt

mayor could not call for mandatory evacuation because not enough time
and would have trapped people on highways

catch 22 of fema program - we cant give you $$ because you had
homeowners insurance but no mandatory evacuations were ordered

when applying for FEMA help now be sure to claim that you have "critical needs"

per Walter Leger Jr - attorney - nice guy - well spoken


after Katrina - home insurance rates skyrocketed - deductibles go up to 5%

lawyer says - file a claim - worry about any possible rise in rates later on

before and after Katrina - more Louisiana policyholders have flood
insurance than in other states

Katrina flooded 80% of New Orleans


'river parishes' got hammered - maybe 'bayou parishes' also

this lawyer is talking for 30 minutes - however - no one is discussing
abandoning the entire area

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