Monday, September 20, 2021

Worcester Mass FD needs major overhaul

article is behind firewall

note - Worcester FD probably has more double engine stations than any
FD in the USA - in other words - it is a very heavily manned fire

not as heavy as NYC perhaps - but close - actually; if a FDNY station
has one engine and one ladder in a station then they would have 8 to
12 people on duty - if Worcester has 2 engines and 1 ladder in a
station then they would have either 9 or 12 people on duty

so - yes - worcester is as heavily staffed as NYC

boston - has 4 to 12 people on duty in a station - the only station
with 12 people is Station 10 - the rest have 8 or 4 people on duty -
not counting the chiefs

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