Thursday, August 18, 2022

good advice for drivers vs emergency vehicles

When I see an emergency vehicle approaching with lights and sirens
while I am driving, what should I do?

State law, and common sense, dictates that vehicles yield to emergency
vehicles that are operating their emergency lights and siren.
Emergency vehicle drivers are taught to pass on the left whenever
possible when responding in an emergency mode. When safe, slow down,
pull over to the right, and stop. However, there are circumstances
where that may not be possible (if you car is already stopped, and you
don't have anywhere to pull over). Simply stay put until the emergency
vehicle goes around you. Do not tailgate, "draft", or follow a
responding apparatus closely. Not only is this illegal, you run the
risk of collision as vehicles pull back out into traffic after the
emergency vehicle goes by.



maybe could say - pull to right and stop - if already stopped, stay
put - if nowhere to pull over to right, then slow down and put on
right directional and slow down

however - what about the person who is just pulling into a left hand
turn lane and has not stopped yet? - do we want them to pull to the
right? dont think so

maybe there should be a video with common examples

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