Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Trinity County Calif is interesting

Both Weaverville and Hayfork have 3 fire stations each - each location
has a local FD + Cal Fire Station + US National Forest Service fire
station - 3 different radio channels are used to dispatch these

radio channels are -

local FDs - 154.785 R

USFS - Shasta Trinity NF 171.575 R + whatever 6 Rivers NF uses

Cal Fire - 151.16 R

note - Cal Fire dispatchers and Shasta Trinity NF dispatchers are
located in the same bld in Redding

note - USFS stations are not staffed in winter pretty much - same for
Cal Fire - USFS and CalFire staff their stations with seasonal
firefighters - meaning that they work 40 hours ish per week - but only
in the summer mostly - furthermore - USFS stations are not staffed at
night afaik - the local FDs are all staffed by poc staff afaik - so
there are 3 distinct staffing regimes

also - afaik - usfs and calfire do not have rescue tools - just the
local FDs do - usfs does not have scba but calfire and local FDs do

so its a big ole smorgasbord basically

- ye ole zerg90 map for Trinity County - its west of Redding CA in
northern Calif - mostly rural mountainous forested areas

maybe there is just 1 fire helo in the county - just east of
Weaverville - the western part of the county might be covered by a Cal
Fire helo out of Kneeland - airtankers and smoke jumpers probably fly
from Redding and maybe Kneeland

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