Sunday, May 28, 2023

NIRSC radio cache - Boise Idaho

1 minute video - posted Sept 2022 - just 245 views - lol - guess that
no one cares about radios

The National Incident Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) provides what may be
the most critical link in firefighting efficiency and, more
importantly, safety – communication tools. The NIRSC, or more
familiarly just the Radio Cache, manages the largest civilian
(non-military) inventory of hand-held radios, portable repeaters and
satellite communications systems in the nation.

12,000 hand held radios and 600 (portable / temporary / transportable) repeaters

typically cycle the entire inventory twice per year to fires - 2022
they cycled maybe 3 or 4 times

video shows techs working in the radio shop - the speaker is maybe the
head of the division

they mostly ship their radio caches via air freight - so it can take 2
or 3 days for the radios to arrive at a fire - so this tells you that
their primary purpose is to augment the radios of the initial attack

for example - if a fire is taken over by - wait - no - still not clear
on this - what are these radios used for?

initial attack - 10 engines and 5 hand crews and 3 helos - all of
these people have radios already

2ndary attack / expanded attack - command team of 100 people + 10 hand
crews + 10 helos - again - all of these people should already have

maybe these fire cache radios are used by the contractors who go to
the fire - camp crew and water tender and weather guys - but again -
most of them should already have radios - and all radios nowadays can
be reprogrammed in the field to get the right frequencys

maybe there is an issue with people who go to the major fires via
commercial airlines - maybe they cannot carry their portable radios
with them because of the batteries


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