Sunday, June 23, 2024

karen read case - whats the point?

if there are essentially no penalties for perjury - whats the point of
having a trial? - (last night tb mentioned on his yt show that no one
ever goes to jail for perjury - and iirc we have seen others say that
- and we have not seen any news reports of anyone going to jail for

is this 'court trial' a search for the truth? or is this infotainment
/ legotainment?

john o'keefe - canton mass - police corruption - keywords


on the tb show last night he had 8k viewers on YT - he had a 66/33
raffle - anyone who donated to karen read defense costs got a chance
to win 33% of the take - someone won $16K - Karen Read got $35K - they
were surprised at how much money they raised so quickly - this was
advertised on a facebook page apparently

later - someone offered a $1.5K prize - tb said he had $250K in legal
fees - but no mention of potential million dollar lawsuits - maybe tb
and kr should promise to return all contributions with interest if and
when they win big bucks in lawsuits

the term 'justice for john okeefe" didnt come up at all between 9 pm
and 1130 pm on the tb show - john okeefes name was rarely mentioned

shes got a kid ... together -

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