Friday, February 28, 2025

big water flow drill - 20 minute video

approx 100 on the video - flowing 2300 gpm - with 126 psi residual
pressure at the hydrant - they started at 141 psi iirc - on a 12 inch
main - using just one 5 inch line off the hydrant

maybe they got more gpm when the opened 2nd and 3rd outlets on the
hydrant - maybe not

bottom line - thats a very well fed hydrant - a strong hydrant - a
hydrant that can supply large amounts of water at high pressures

its possible they could flow more if they called the water department
and asked them to boost the output from their pumps or water tanks -
or they might blow up the mains under the roads - not sure - might
depend on how many elbows / turns are in the piping system

florrisant - ? missouri ?

one thought - when they test the fire truck at the factory - it sucks
water out of a pond - when a pumper is used in a big city or suburb -
it is usually connected to a hydrant - and the water from the hydrant
has more energy than the water in the pond - so the pumper operating
in the city should be able to pump more water than the pumper at the
factory - if the factory says the pumper can do 2000 gpm at 150 psi
net pump pressure at the factory - then in the city the pumper can
probably move 2500 gpm at 150 psi - maybe not

maybe the bottom line golden rule is - it takes energy to move water -
the water has to be 'energized' by the height of the water tank - or
the water departments pumps - or the fire engine pumps - and the hoses
and water mains and nozzles are always trying to steal some of that

tsunami deck gun can flow 8000 gpm

would put out a house fire fast

would know down a house fast

therein lies the problem

putting wet stuff on the red stuff - the water it does nothing - keywords

78th floor rescue of window washers in NYC today

early in video - you can see the hairy ride they got from Citizen App video

near end of video - press conference with fdny - not sure how they
made the first grab - the window was broken already - maybe they just
leaned out and grabbed them somehow - maybe its mentioned - didnt
watch the full presser


myolectric arms - holy crap

we need to find a video about this

prosthetic arms

update on gene hackman

Sheriff: Gene Hackman and his wife tested negative for carbon monoxide
poisoning; cause of death still unknown

per comment on yt - CO would have caused changes in tissues which an
autopsy could find

fire chief said they found zero reading on meters when they first
responded to the scene

medical examiner told sheriff today that there was no signs of
external trauma - maybe that means - no external signs of trauma

the demented logic of donald trumpler

think about those numbers and the logic behind them

was that a brilliant evasion of the question? was it all pre-scribed?

sugarbush vt - vp skiing there today

plane is enroute now - maybe landing at burlington vt

apparently the VP is not all worried that he just started WW3

Baystate Hosp in Springfield MA has 24 operating rooms now

built new in 2023

trump flying to florida at 5 pm

from andrews afb

Lynn MA 2nd alarm Magner Rd house fire

ernies on the loose again

brimfield mass is goofy

just for fun

mass pike west closed at 495

Mass. Pike west closed at I-495 for 'risk of a major sinkhole'; delays
to last hours

mass mutual seeks head of security center

this is a job for a computer engineer

they run 4 shifts

approx $200K salary - same as their helo pilots apparently

helicopter info for usa -

public and private and military and civilian etc

Helitak Firefighting Equipment Unveils Next-Generation “Aerial Strike” Buckets

Helitak Firefighting Equipment Unveils Next-Generation "Aerial Strike" Buckets

does it have a imbedded videocam for targeting the drops? no mention
of such - maybe it would be useless

GPMS marks first HUMS install on a US EMS helicopter

massachusetts aircraft info from faa n number list

westfield owns 3 aircraft - maybe they run a flight school

mass state police has 3 drones and 1 plane and 5 helos and 1 773TC
whatever that one is

MIT has 2 gulfstreams - and 1 cessna for thje flying club

massmutual asset finance llc has 1 gulfstream

dont see any listing for the mass mutual helo yet - probably need to
check or google

unknown if any of these aircraft are actually operational - we can
assume that most of the msp helos are flown on a regular basis

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard facing layoffs

2 news alerts from cnn

skype shutting down after 20 years

150 measles cases in west texas now - watch the movie 'andromeda
strain' - good stuff - especially the beginning

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Heliport - activated 1974 - UNICOM: 123.05 -
WX ASOS at BAF (8 nm W): 127.1 (413-568-2267) - WX ASOS at BDL (12 nm
SW): 118.15 (860-386-3480) - MULTICOM / CTAF 131.275MHZ

springfield mass - sat view - 2 hangar blds -
2 spots xed out - 1 spot has a triangle - ????

we could check FAA N number lookup to see if they still own any
helicopters - yeah - lets do that

one aircraft reg is reserved -
- for mass mutual - no further info - maybe we could check the law
firm name and see if they registered any other aircraft for them -
there are no hits for Mas Mutual when searching Hampden County at FAA
N number lookup

crap - no more time to go down this rabbit hole

maybe has an entry to Mass Mutual - heck - lets do a google search - -
mass mutual has at least 1 AW139 with super wifi

yo - mass state fire marshal - you seeing this - onboard video - mema?
boston fd? worcester fd? state forestry? any of you guys seeing this?

who is aviation echo in Monson Mass ?

1 2018 helo listed

tjere is an aiation echo in miami fl that does aviation leasing

fema daily headsup

New Significant Incidents / Ongoing Ops:
• No new significant incidents / operations

Hazard Monitoring:
• Heavy Snow – Great Lakes and Northeast
• Fire Weather – Central Plains

(no heavy snow here - ???)

who had the first rear mount aerial in the usa?

was it 150 foot metz ladder in chicago?

did fdny have a couple of them also?

in the 1960s?

attleboro mass sta 4 has a water gong

they must have a sprinkler system in there

acushnet mass - drone photo of FF at top of aerial

cool - 2023 - photo at Google Maps

Thursday, February 27, 2025

updated the hampden county zerg90 mass map

added 1 amb sta - added misc layer - added 1 urgent care

canton pd video evidence is dodgey

karen read case

boston ems emergency ambulance

aug 2024 google maps street view

yikes - cat at the vets

just for fun

this webcam is insane

motorcycle with sidecarcrashes

RTL-SDR Jamming Detector Software

national weather service being decimated

or not

updated the zerg90 public safety map for Worcester County Mass

added MedStar Amb Sta in Worcester on the SW Cutoff

added more ambulances to the ambulance layer - need to check the
statewide ambulance map for more sites

updated the zerg90 map for Essex County Mass

updated - 2/27/2025 - added MGH Amb in Salem - added Harbor Master
Layer - added NE Rgnl Amb in Danvers - added Private Ambulance layer

need to check the 'zerg90 map of Mass private ambulances' to see if
there are more in Essex County

updated the zerg90 map for Middlesex County Mass

2/27/2025 - added Lowell General Medics on Varnum Street - added Lahey
Med Center Ambulance - added Coastal Amb in Newton - added Brandeis
EMS at Armstrong in Woburn - added new Patriot Amb site in Hudson

covid was a bioweapon

this gentleman explicitly says that covid was a bioweapon - mostly
against people with low Vitamin D levels

he also says that Vitamin D can protect you

(note to self - maybe a mixture of vaccines and Vitamin D can give
super protection)

With Professor David Anderson. Link to order or download, Vitamin D
and the Great Biology Reset,

Professor David Anderson (retired endocrinologist) emphasizes the
importance of vitamin D3, especially for those in northern locations
where sunlight exposure is limited in winter.

Vitamin D is primarily produced when skin is exposed to sunlight (UVB rays);

Professor Anderson argues most people are deficient and should
supplement year-round.

According to Anderson, a blood level above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L in UK
units) is necessary for proper immune function and to protect against
various diseases.

Professor Anderson claims that vaccinations deplete vitamin D levels,
particularly the "reservoir form" (calcifediol), and he and his wife
take supplements to counteract this effect.

The professor takes 100,000 units of vitamin D3 monthly (via oil-based
solution) and personally takes either daily supplements (5,000-10,000
units) or calcifediol weekly,

Overweight individuals may need higher doses and should titrate with
blood levels under their doctors.

Anderson and co-author David Grimes have published books on vitamin D
deficiency and COVID-19, available as free PDF downloads from their
website. He claims vitamin D is protective against some cancers,
assists brain repair after strokes, and is linked to preventing
numerous other health conditions.

Anderson expresses concerns about pharmaceutical companies being
opposed to vitamin D supplementation, alleging they profit from
keeping people vitamin D deficient.

Interactive: Meet the nation's forgotten first paramedics

pittsburgh pennsylvania

info on usa border ops

'enforcement return' is a 2 word term

Removals, which also occur at either the interior or border, are a
formal process. Removals grew steadily during the Bush and Obama
administrations until the COVID-19 pandemic when Biden's use of Title
42 expulsions and enforcement returns grew. Title 42 began in March
2020 and ended in May 2023 with the end of the COVID-19 public health
emergency. Under Title 42, people who arrived at the border were
automatically expelled — with some exceptions.

"You started seeing, starting with the Bush administration, this idea
of trying to basically break the cycle and to incentivize people not
to keep crossing the border illegally," said Michelle Mittelstadt, the
director of communications for the Migration Policy Institute.

A removal is a formal process that essentially places sanctions on
people from reentering. After removal, people can't return for a
minimum of five years. An enforcement return, however, takes less time
and doesn't halt individuals from reentering.

Needham MA - on Dedham line - manhunt

person fled after a tt crash - per wcvb

Montana scientists alarmed by wildfires encroaching on US towns

at this very moment - there are probably 2,000 federal wildfire trucks
in the western USA sitting empty with no hose, no water, and no crews
- they are mothballed for the winter - because thats the way its
always been done

and there is probably 2,000 more state forest fire trucks up on blocks
right now - washington + oregon + california + idaho + montana - they
could all be in southern California right now

recent new private ambulance stations in Massachusetts

Cataldo Ambulance - 1280 Dwight St - ALS - Holyoke - 1/31/2025

Med Star Amb - 324 SW Cutoff - Worcester - ALS - 2/13/2025

Patriot Amb - 9 Bonazzala Ave - Hudson - ALS - 12/30/2024

MGH - 35 - 38 Jefferson Ave - Salem - ALS - 9/30/2024

Northeast Regional Amb - 28 Harbor Ave - Danvers - ALS - 2/5/2025

LGH Paramedics - 295 Varnum Ave - Lowell - started 2024

Coastal Amb - 38 Ramsdell - Newton - ALS - 1/31/2025

Metro Amb LLC - 10 Draper St - Woburn - 9/30/2024 - ALS

Brandeis EMS - 10 Micro Drive - Woburn - 2/6/2025

Cataldo Amb - 755 Washington St - Boston - downtown - BLS

STAT Amb - ALS - 719 Dartmouth St - North Dartmouth - just a small
house there in July 2024 Google street view

the dates indicate when the controlled drug license was issued for the premises

there might be other new stations also - we came up with this list by
eyeballing a list from today vs a list from a couple of months ago

has anyone woken up yet?

has anyone woken up in arlington yet?

arlington voted 90% for clinton obama clinton biden harris

palisades voted 81% for harris

altadena was black area

10,000 homes burnt in altadena and palisades

50% of cpr is done wrong

cpr save rates are 5%

democrats lost everything in DC

has anyone woken up in arlington yet? anyone? anyone?


come on Arlington - WAKE UP! - use your brain

cleveland nc - fire at freightliner refurb bld

W/F Cleveland, NC 11550 Statesville Blvd, Structure Fire, Freightliner
Refurb Building

oh my

per Fire News Alerts on Twitter

no fire wx today - fema daily headsup

New Significant Incidents / Ongoing Ops:
• No new significant incidents / operations

Hazard Monitoring:
• Rain/Thunderstorms – Tennessee Valley to Mid-Atlantic
• Mixed Precipitation and Freezing Rain – Upper Mississippi Valley to Northeast
• Heavy Snow – Great Lakes

gonna have to watch this a 2nd time

The Orgasm Expert: THIS Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex & Stop
Inviting Pets Into The Bedroom!

we are going to watch this 90 minute video a 2nd time

something tells us that this topic needs to be taught every day in
every school in every class all the time forever

bottom line - she says that very very few people have good sex lives -
my words - not hers

maybe all Dads should sit down and watch this with their daughters and
spouses - after they sit down and watch it alone by themselves - or
maybe Mom should share it with Dad - or use her technique - "I heard
some people talking about this video ....."

lives of quiet desperation - yup - now we know why - lol

she states everything so clearly - no mealy mouthed BS here - she is a
social engineer after all

Mass OEMS doing the Alice in Wonderland thing

see our list

I dont see any list

thats because there isnt any

(the oems list includes the number of ambulances - the DPH does not
show that info)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

lowell mass - 450 pawtucet st

r1 has fire showing from a 2 story bld

per twitter

worcester mass - missing mom and toddler

amesbury mass - bolo dk driver

nbcBoston has multi email newsletters available

free - breaking news - daily news - weather (7am) - etc

sports news requires special signup or money maybe has been deactivated

decommissioned - put out to pasture - retired - sidelined - deep sixed - etc

Karen Read again moves to dismiss charges, citing ‘extraordinary' misconduct

Karen Read again moves to dismiss charges, citing 'extraordinary'
misconduct; filing sealed

the State managed to bury this for aprrox 1 week

Madison County IN - zerg90 map has been updated

south county fire territory just added 2 more FDs

got broken arrow? call NEST

emergency nuclear response team

let me guess - they have 10 people - to cover the entire universe

oh well

arlington texas airport has a crash truck


arlington mass - hazmat at police station

mystic st at summer st - Tier 1 hazmat response requested at 438 pm ET

At least 28 injured when driver crashes into labor demonstration in Munich

At least 28 injured when driver crashes into labor demonstration in
Munich Germany

anderson IN - old Eng 7 - nice graphic

eagle / flag

scroll down to see

GPS Jamming, Spoofing Fixes Still ‘Years Away’

GPS Jamming, Spoofing Fixes Still 'Years Away'

no pay wall it seems

Female accused of murdering her fire captain wife

Female accused of murdering her fire captain wife was jailed years
before for killing husband — in eerily similar way


Re: Boston MedFlight adding base at Pease NH

On Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 11:51 PM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> strange - seems to be very close to Maine Lifeflight at Sanford ME

eureka Calif - cooking while sleeping

bad burns - upper body - donations needed

indiantown gap natl cemetery - 2nd alarm last night

lebanon county PA - 2246 hours first alarm

10:15:1426-02-25740 S RAILROAD ST, North Londonderry Township Med
Class3 SICK PERSON A4-9 Fire-Box 1-06 EMS-Box 4-2 Life Lion EMS
10:14:4926-02-2539 NORTH 5TH STREET, City of Lebanon IS-Invest Inside
Struct ODOR OF GAS E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15
Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box 190-11 Lebanon Fire Department
10:14:4826-02-2539 NORTH 5TH STREET, City of Lebanon IS-Invest Inside
Struct ODOR OF GAS E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15
Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box 190-11 LFD Line Officer
10:14:4526-02-2539 NORTH 5TH STREET, City of Lebanon IS-Invest Inside
Struct ODOR OF GAS E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15
Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box 190-11
10:14:4426-02-2539 NORTH 5TH STREET, City of Lebanon IS-Invest Inside
Struct ODOR OF GAS E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15
Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box 190-11 Lebanon Fire Department
09:42:2826-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 Lebanon Fire Department
09:42:2626-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 LFD Line Officer
09:42:2326-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
09:42:2226-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 Lebanon Fire Department
09:38:2826-02-2530 NORTH 4TH STREET, City of Lebanon RM 126 Med Class1
Heart Problem M12-1,INT12-40,FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box
190-11 FASP
09:22:4526-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
Station 02
09:22:4326-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
09:22:4126-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
Life Lion EMS
09:11:1626-02-259 NATHAN LN, North Annville Township Wellspan Urgent
Care North Annville Twp RM 6 Med Class1-ECHO Cardiac Arrest MU4-11
Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box 4-12 Life Lion EMS
09:06:3326-02-25101 WEST RICHLAND AVENUE, Myerstown Borough
Tulpehocken Terrace AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 992 FG 03 E31,TW31,STA31
Fire-Box 31-08 EMS-Box 140-1 Station 31
09:00:0526-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm BOX IN SERVICE FG 03 STA48
Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box 190-25 Station 48
09:00:0426-02-25117 LINDBERGH DRIVE, North Londonderry Township Med
Class3 Back Pain A4-8 Fire-Box 1-03 EMS-Box 4-3 Life Lion EMS
08:51:5726-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 29
08:51:5526-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Sta 29 Siren
08:51:5326-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Chief 48
08:51:5026-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Fire Police 25, 26, 27, 29
08:51:4826-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 25
08:51:4626-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 36
08:51:4426-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 29
08:51:4226-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 48
08:51:3926-02-253000 STATE DRIVE, South Lebanon Township Former ALCOA
Aluminum Property AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Zone 2 FG 03
E48-1,E48-2,TW48,L36,CHF48,DEP48,ASST48,STA48-1 Fire-Box 48-07 EMS-Box
190-25 Station 25
08:51:3526-02-25Tone Sta 29 Siren
08:46:3226-02-25396 OAKLYN ROAD, City of Lebanon Med Class2 FALL
VICTIM INT12-41 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box 190-10 FASP
07:39:1526-02-25145 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, South Londonderry Township
MA-Medical Assist LIFT ASSIST R2 Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box 190-6 Station
07:39:1326-02-25145 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, South Londonderry Township
MA-Medical Assist LIFT ASSIST R2 Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box 190-6 Sta 02
07:39:1126-02-25145 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, South Londonderry Township
MA-Medical Assist LIFT ASSIST R2 Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box 190-6 Station
07:39:0826-02-25Tone Sta 02 Siren
07:38:3126-02-25550 WILLOW STREET, City of Lebanon Market House Place
Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box 190-11 FASP
07:26:1726-02-25145 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med
Class1 unconsicous person A12-86,M12-1,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box
190-6 Station 02
07:26:1426-02-25145 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med
Class1 unconsicous person A12-86,M12-1,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box
190-6 FASP
07:24:4126-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire replacement units FG 03 E41,E57-10,PT47,T41 Fire-Box
41-04 EMS-Box 4-16 Station 47
07:24:3926-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire replacement units FG 03 E41,E57-10,PT47,T41 Fire-Box
41-04 EMS-Box 4-16 Station 41
07:24:3726-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire replacement units FG 03 E41,E57-10,PT47,T41 Fire-Box
41-04 EMS-Box 4-16 Station 10
07:21:4126-02-25812 HARRY AVENUE, North Londonderry Township Med
Class1 chestpain A4-9 Fire-Box 1-05 EMS-Box 4-2 Life Lion EMS
07:21:0626-02-257365 ALLENTOWN BLVD AFA- Auto Fire Alarm TW1 Fire-Box
EMS-Box Station 01
07:21:0526-02-257365 ALLENTOWN BLVD AFA- Auto Fire Alarm TW1 Fire-Box
EMS-Box Station 01
07:20:5226-02-25812 HARRY AVENUE, North Londonderry Township Med
Class1 chestpain A12-86,M4-20,LLEMS-PalmyraSta Fire-Box 1-05 EMS-Box
4-2 FASP
07:20:5026-02-25812 HARRY AVENUE, North Londonderry Township Med
Class1 chestpain A12-86,M4-20,LLEMS-PalmyraSta Fire-Box 1-05 EMS-Box
4-2 Life Lion EMS
07:18:2326-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire FG 03 RE41-1,E41,T41,CHF41,STA41 Fire-Box 41-04
EMS-Box 4-16 Sta 41 Siren
07:18:2126-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire FG 03 RE41-1,E41,T41,CHF41,STA41 Fire-Box 41-04
EMS-Box 4-16 Station 41
07:18:2026-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire FG 03 RE41-1,E41,T41,CHF41,STA41 Fire-Box 41-04
EMS-Box 4-16 Chief 41
07:18:1826-02-252620 STATE ROUTE 22, Bethel Township Countryside Auto
Sales CF-Car Fire FG 03 RE41-1,E41,T41,CHF41,STA41 Fire-Box 41-04
EMS-Box 4-16 Station 41
07:18:1426-02-25Tone Sta 41 Siren
07:16:1826-02-25214 SOUTH 6TH AVENUE, South Lebanon Township Med
Class1 Possible CVA M12-18,A12-88,FASP-SOUTHLEBSTA Fire-Box 48-03
EMS-Box 190-11 FASP
06:39:2426-02-2527 OLIVER PARK DR, North Annville Township Med Class3
Sick Person MU4-11 Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box 4-12 Life Lion EMS
06:30:2026-02-2590 W STRACK DR, Jackson Township 90A rear door Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing INT11-40,M12-18 Fire-Box 32-02 EMS-Box
140-2 FASP
06:30:1926-02-2590 W STRACK DR, Jackson Township 90A rear door Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing INT11-40,M12-18 Fire-Box 32-02 EMS-Box
140-2 Amb 140 Myerstown
05:56:3326-02-25341 NORTH RAILROAD STREET, Palmyra Borough Kadima
Rehabilitation & Nursing Of Palmyra RM 114B Med Class2 Hemorrhage A4-8
Fire-Box 1-01 EMS-Box 4-1 Life Lion EMS
05:18:4026-02-25626 PALM CITY PARK LOT 235, South Annville Township
Med Class2 Traumatic Injury *Stage in the Area* INT12-56 Fire-Box 2-03
EMS-Box 190-5 FASP
04:15:0326-02-252880 HORSESHOE PIKE, South Londonderry Township Kadima
Rehabilitation & Nursing Of Campbelltown Room 6A Med Class3 Sick
person INT12-56 Fire-Box 2-01 EMS-Box 190-6 FASP
04:03:0826-02-251115 CUMBERLAND STREET, City of Lebanon Med Class2
Fall Victim INT12-40 Fire-Box 15-04 EMS-Box 190-10 FASP
03:52:0726-02-25740 S RAILROAD ST, North Londonderry Township Med
Class3 Sick person INT12-56,LLEMS-PalmyraSta Fire-Box 1-06 EMS-Box 4-2
03:52:0526-02-25740 S RAILROAD ST, North Londonderry Township Med
Class3 Sick person INT12-56,LLEMS-PalmyraSta Fire-Box 1-06 EMS-Box 4-2
Life Lion EMS
02:23:0526-02-25257 CLEAR SPRING ROAD, North Annville Township Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing A4-11 Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box 4-12 Life
Lion EMS
02:20:5226-02-25257 CLEAR SPRING ROAD, North Annville Township Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing MU4-10,67Q,67QSTA Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box
4-12 Life Lion EMS
02:20:5126-02-25257 CLEAR SPRING ROAD, North Annville Township Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing MU4-10,67Q,67QSTA Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box
4-12 QRS 06
02:20:4926-02-25257 CLEAR SPRING ROAD, North Annville Township Med
Class1 Difficulty Breathing MU4-10,67Q,67QSTA Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box
4-12 Life Lion EMS
00:51:0326-02-25Tone Sta 33 Siren
00:50:5826-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, Sout? Sya 48 Line Officer
00:50:5526-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 29
00:50:5326-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Sta 29 Siren
00:50:5126-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Chief 48
00:50:4826-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Fire Police 25, 26, 27, 29
00:50:4626-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 25
00:50:4426-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 33
00:50:4226-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 48
00:50:4026-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 29
00:50:3826-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire FG 03
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 Station 25
00:50:3526-02-25607 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, South Lebanon Township
SF-Structure Fire
Fire-Box 48-01 EMS-Box 190-11 FASP
00:50:3126-02-25Tone Sta 29 Siren
00:19:1426-02-25590 SOUTH 5TH AVENUE, South Lebanon Township Cedar
Haven Room 3F Med Class1 Allergic Reaction *MU65-20,A12-60 Available*
A12-60 Fire-Box 48-03 EMS-Box 190-11 FASP
00:19:0426-02-25590 SOUTH 5TH AVENUE, South Lebanon Township Cedar
Haven Room 3F Med Class1 Allergic Reaction *MU65-20,A12-60 Available*
MU65-20 Fire-Box 48-03 EMS-Box 190-11
00:17:4026-02-25590 SOUTH 5TH AVENUE, South Lebanon Township Cedar
Haven Room 3F Med Class1 Allergic Reaction
MU65-20,A12-60,FASP-SOUTHLEBSTA Fire-Box 48-03 EMS-Box 190-11
00:17:3826-02-25590 SOUTH 5TH AVENUE, South Lebanon Township Cedar
Haven Room 3F Med Class1 Allergic Reaction
MU65-20,A12-60,FASP-SOUTHLEBSTA Fire-Box 48-03 EMS-Box 190-11 FASP
23:29:2125-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
FP needed*** FG 05 FPCENTRALALLCALL Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Fire
Police 25, 26, 27, 29
23:29:1925-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
FP needed*** FG 05 FPCENTRALALLCALL Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Fire
Police P52
23:29:1625-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
FP needed*** FG 05 FPCENTRALALLCALL Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Fire
Police 39
23:29:1425-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
FP needed*** FG 05 FPCENTRALALLCALL Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 City
Fire Police 51
23:29:1225-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
FP needed*** FG 05 FPCENTRALALLCALL Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Fire
Police 14
23:25:0425-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 11, 46 Union Township
23:25:0225-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 40, 41, 45 Bethel
23:24:5925-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 30, 31, 32
23:24:5725-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 47
23:24:5525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 34
23:24:5325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 33
23:24:5125-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 12
23:24:4825-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
Fire Police 10
23:13:5325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
units needed*** FG 05 T42,LLEMS-OnoSta Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
Station 42
23:13:5125-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
units needed*** T42,LLEMS-OnoSta Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Life Lion
23:09:1525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
units needed*** FG 05 RE1-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Fire Police
23:09:1325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial ***additional
units needed*** FG 05 RE1-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 01
23:07:5725-02-25On call CYS, please contact County. Children & Youth
23:06:0225-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 UT57-10 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 10
23:05:5425-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 E57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 11
23:05:5225-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Sta 41 Siren
23:05:5025-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 41
23:05:4825-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 47
23:05:4625-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 IGMR 75
23:05:4425-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 47
23:05:4125-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 11
23:05:3925-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 41
23:05:3825-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 07
23:05:3525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 06
23:05:3325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 PT47,RE41-1 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Annville / Cleona
Fire District
23:05:2925-02-25Tone Sta 41 Siren
23:05:0925-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial *** 2nd alarm
*** FG 05 UT57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 11
22:54:5725-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial FG 05 E67
Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
22:54:5525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial FG 05 E67
Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 IGMR 75
22:54:5325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial FG 05 E67
Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 07
22:54:5125-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery BC-Business/Commercial FG 05 E67
Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75 Station 06
22:47:0525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
Sta 57
22:47:0325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
22:47:0025-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
22:46:5825-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
Station 12
22:46:5525-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
Station 11
22:46:5325-02-2560 INDIANTOWN GAP ROAD, East Hanover Township Fort
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery AFA- Auto Fire Alarm FG 05
RE75,E57-12,E57-11,TW57,R57,DUTY57,STA57-11 Fire-Box 75-01 EMS-Box 75
Station 10
22:46:0225-02-25On call CYS, please contact County. Children & Youth
22:17:1725-02-25908 CUMBERLAND STREET, City of Lebanon Moyer's Barber
Shop AFA- Auto Fire Alarm Smoke Detector Activation E17 Fire-Box 15-04
EMS-Box 190-10 Lebanon Fire Department
22:14:5825-02-25622 HILL STREET, City of Lebanon Med Class1-INT
DIABETIC PROBLEM *INT61-40 Available* INT61-40 Fire-Box 15-05 EMS-Box
190-21 Amb 160 Schaefferstown
22:13:3325-02-25622 HILL STREET, City of Lebanon Med Class1-INT
190-21 FASP
22:13:3125-02-25622 HILL STREET, City of Lebanon Med Class1-INT
190-21 Amb 160 Schaefferstown
22:12:0525-02-25824 SCULL STREET, City of Lebanon 824-830 AFA- Auto
Fire Alarm E17,E19,L18,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box
15-07 EMS-Box 190-20 Lebanon Fire Department
22:12:0325-02-25824 SCULL STREET, City of Lebanon 824-830 AFA- Auto
Fire Alarm E17,E19,L18,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box
15-07 EMS-Box 190-20 LFD Line Officer
22:12:0125-02-25824 SCULL STREET, City of Lebanon 824-830 AFA- Auto
Fire Alarm E17,E19,L18,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box
15-07 EMS-Box 190-20
22:11:5925-02-25824 SCULL STREET, City of Lebanon 824-830 AFA- Auto
Fire Alarm E17,E19,L18,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box
15-07 EMS-Box 190-20 Lebanon Fire Department
21:54:3625-02-25N 9TH ST @ LEHMAN ST, City of Lebanon Med Class1
assist pd FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-06 EMS-Box 190-20 FASP
21:54:3425-02-25N 9TH ST @ LEHMAN ST, City of Lebanon Med Class1
assist pd FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-06 EMS-Box 190-20 Life Lion EMS
21:53:0525-02-25N 9TH ST @ LEHMAN ST, City of Lebanon Med Class1
assist pd LNMU85-3,A11-60,FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-06 EMS-Box 190-20
21:53:0425-02-25N 9TH ST @ LEHMAN ST, City of Lebanon Med Class1
assist pd LNMU85-3,A11-60,FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-06 EMS-Box 190-20
Amb 140 Myerstown
21:50:0425-02-251628 CHESTNUT STREET, North Cornwall Township Med
Class3 Assist PD INT12-56,FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 14-02 EMS-Box 190-10
21:46:4025-02-25210 FEDERAL STREET, City of Lebanon REAR Med Class1
Life Lion EMS
21:46:3825-02-25210 FEDERAL STREET, City of Lebanon REAR Med Class1
21:46:3725-02-25210 FEDERAL STREET, City of Lebanon REAR Med Class1
Life Lion EMS
21:35:5125-02-25713 ASPEN LANE, Cornwall Borough Med Class1 FALL
VICTIM MU12-20,INT12-56,FASP-CORNWALLSTA Fire-Box 36-02 EMS-Box 190-36
21:32:0825-02-25241 EAST MAPLE STREET, Cleona Borough Med Class3 FALL
VICTIM A4-11,AmbCo82 Fire-Box 58-05 EMS-Box 280-1 CMT
21:32:0625-02-25241 EAST MAPLE STREET, Cleona Borough Med Class3 FALL
VICTIM A4-11,AmbCo82 Fire-Box 58-05 EMS-Box 280-1 Life Lion EMS
20:39:1025-02-25358 NORTH 13TH STREET, City of Lebanon Med Class3

cardiac arrest at urgent care - lebanon county PA - listed as LIVE DISPATCH on their webpage

each line seems to be a different pager activation sequence / code /
capcode maybe

openness - live scanner audio ish - page seems to refresh in realtime
- one could really track response times to the second if one had a
good fast scanner feed also - or a scanner locally

see bottom listing for cradiac arrest at 911 am et


09:42:2826-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 Lebanon Fire Department
09:42:2626-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 LFD Line Officer
09:42:2326-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
09:42:2226-02-251605 GREEN LANE, City of Lebanon Garden Oaks
Apartments bldg A-F AFA- Auto Fire Alarm 3rd floor smoke zone 26
E17,E21,L20,R24,SQ22,CHF15,DEP15,ASST15,STA15 Fire-Box 15-02 EMS-Box
190-10 Lebanon Fire Department
09:38:2826-02-2530 NORTH 4TH STREET, City of Lebanon RM 126 Med Class1
Heart Problem M12-1,INT12-40,FASP-CITYSTA Fire-Box 15-03 EMS-Box
190-11 FASP
09:22:4526-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
Station 02
09:22:4326-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
09:22:4126-02-25130 FOX ROAD, South Londonderry Township Med Class1
DIFFICULTY BREATHING A12-86,M4-20,2Q,2QSTA Fire-Box 2-05 EMS-Box 190-6
Life Lion EMS
09:11:1626-02-259 NATHAN LN, North Annville Township Wellspan Urgent
Care North Annville Twp RM 6 Med Class1-ECHO Cardiac Arrest MU4-11
Fire-Box 67-03 EMS-Box 4-12 Life Lion EMS

Lancaster OH - "behavioral emergency" leaves 2 dead

On February 25, 2025, at approximately 5:29 p.m., officers from the
Lancaster Police Department (LPD) responded to a behavioral emergency
at 1244 North Broad Street. Upon arrival, an LPD officer encountered
an armed male subject. During the encounter, the officer discharged
their firearm.

too bad the person didnt raise $1M to fight cancer instead of grabbing
a gun and shooting people due to behavior problem

there was no live shooter at ohio college

monday night

Muskingum County Sheriff Matt Lutz said the report of a possible
shooting was due to a staff member misunderstanding students who were
talking about a loud domestic dispute that had happened earlier.

"It was relayed to law enforcement that there was a person with a
hostage or something to the effect of a person with a gun," he said in
a statement.

fema daily headsup feb 26 2025

New Significant Incidents / Ongoing Ops:
• No new significant incidents / operations

Hazard Monitoring:
• Rain/Thunderstorms – Midwest, Ohio Valley
• Snowfall – Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, Northeast
• Elevated Fire Weather – Southwest, Southern High Plains

created DHART webpage at SITES

admin / legal info basically

looks like the Vermont helo is still owned and operated by DHART - not
by UVM - no matter how they have it painted or branded or labeled

note - the current photos at the UVM Critical Care Transport webpage
do show the helo with a DHART livery / paint job

3 revere mass girls found dead in belize

maybe OD or CO

arab apparently

on vacation apparently

in 20s

elon musk is mistaken

Finance expert Kevin Thompson noted the distinction between the
existence of Social Security numbers for those over 100 and the actual
collection of benefits, noting the potential for misunderstanding in
Musk's assertions. Thompson stated, "Are there people collecting
social security over 100 years of age, the answer is incontrovertibly
yes. But not at all to the extent Musk implies. This is what happens
when people wade into topics they don't fully understand. He's
confusing the fact that thousands of Social Security numbers exist for
people over 100 with them actually collecting benefits. Two very
different things."

its incredible that the richest person on Earth is so wrong - makes
you wonder about the entire society and/or planet

there are 3 or more possibilities here - Musk is wrong accidentally -
Musk is wrong on purpose - Musk is a huge sideshow (in which case MAGA
loves him just the way that he is)

note to self - see what the connection is between Musk and Flynn

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Boston MedFlight adding base at Pease NH

strange - seems to be very close to Maine Lifeflight at Sanford ME

el paso texas - fire station 35 now has a medevac chopper

chopper is staffed by air methods - probably is owned by air methods
also - but might be dispatched by el paso fire

lol dogs - cute

1 minute video

just for fun

bad video - probably no one should watch

ohio 2023 school bus hit by tt

we are not going to watch it - just saw 5 seconds - thats enuff

the mandela effect

mentioned in the comments here - - THE TRUMAN SHOW

suspicious package incident in wash dc

dcfd hazmat was there - dcpd bomb techs - misc other units

nice look at some embassies also

snl evac alert with dave chapelle - omg omg omg

just for fun

omg omg omg

Dave Chappelle Stand-Up Monologue 2025 - SNL

17 minutes

he covers the Palisades Fire and more

cant start a fire thats already flaming

give up the cigs dude

Rio Tinto Mine has an ERT

iirc this is in San Bernardino County on the Kern County border

grand teton natl park has a seasonal clinic

Grand Teton National Park, one of the 10 most visited national parks
in the United States, spans approximately 310,000 acres just 10 miles
south of Yellowstone National Park. Uniquely, Grand Teton is among a
select few national parks that have dedicated paramedic teams. In
addition to emergency medical services, Grand Teton National Park also
hosts a seasonal urgent care clinic in conjunction with St. John's

lifestar llc in payson az - dba canyon
state ambulance - 2005

there were ambulances there in july 2011 -

maybe they are gone now - no signs on the bld in current street view

air medical memberships are a waste

The sessions also addressed misconceptions about air medical
memberships. Doyle explained that memberships, tied to specific
providers, often provide little value in emergencies.

"When you buy a membership with a company, it is specific to that
company. That means if a different provider flies you, the membership
doesn't apply," said Doyle. "Nationwide, across all air medical
companies, only 0.0017% of the population ever needs to fly. It
doesn't make sense to sell memberships to people on the small chance
they might need it."


yet some counties and citys buy memberships for everyone in their jurisdiction

mom gets all thumbs down in comments

kid chased by goat - saved by cat

just for fun

runway incursion at midway airport in chicago

all caught on video

800 - hear the DOUBLE

atc talking way too fast for my liking

Re: [sme2] arlington mass working fire box 8634

fire knocked down in arlington on shelley rd

arlington mass working fire box 8634

smoke from attic and 2nd floor bedroom - home has solar panels

mercy air gets first responder status in clark county nv

exactly who gave them first responder status? county health dept?

dogs vs cats - lol

just for fun

elons email is in the crapper now

OOPM's official stance from today is that responding to the email is
not mandatory and not responding will not mean resignation. The email
isn't even backed by the admin anymore

from lookner chat on yt.

Augusta Maine PD cannot be its own PSAP No 219061 PSAP Public
Safety Answering Point Services.pdf


rfp for psap services in 2019

previously they used somerset county 911 as their psap - somerset
county is far far far away from augusta

maine is weird

west gardiner maine - state psap + dispatch by lincoln county

see pg 29 of 88 - COMMUNICATIONS Receipts: Carried Forward 2023 $
12,139.09 Appropriation $ 55,000.00 Total Receipts: $ 67,139.09
Expenditures: Treasurer State of Maine - PSAP $ 33,619.68 Lincoln
County - Dispatch $ 21,328.51 Central Maine Power $ 649.58 Total
Expenditures: $ 55,597.77 Carry Forward 2024 $ 11,541.32

west gardiner is in kennebec county - kennebec county does not have a
county psap nor a county dispatch center - therefore - this is what
you get - west gardiner has to get dispatch service from the other
side of the moon

West Gardiner Maine - dedication to FD life members

page 2 of Town Report

korean trauma centers are short staffed

do they launch medevac helos quickly or slowly?

do they do any accident prevention campaigns?

is there nationwide coordination of helos and destinations? (seems
like there is NOT)

do they have procedures for medevacs to rendezvous with ground ambulances?

do trauma people work 24 hour shifts or 12 hour shifts?

the best system makes optimal use of 119 and ground ambulances and
coordination centers and medevacs and ORs and trauma teams - all the
pieces have to fit together to provide the quickest most efficient,
effective, and efficacious care

Vigil held honoring Texas girl who died by suicide after being teased about immigration status

maga aholes need to be charged with murder

nebraska and guam have fire weathet

New Significant Incidents / Ongoing Ops:
• No new significant incidents / operations

Hazard Monitoring:
• Heavy Rain – Pacific Northwest
• Heavy Snow – Cascades and Northern Rockies
• Fire Weather – Nebraska and Guam

per fema daily headsup / fema daily ops brief

you guys need a water boy on guam - someone to keep your HTs cool?
guam is near bali right? just a short canoe ride over?

augusta maine police dispatch both hallowell police and fire

per ad for dispatcher nov 2024

the psap for augusta is either houlton rcc near canada or it is
androscoggin county psap - kennebec county does not have a countywide
psap or even a county psap

info about kennebec county maine sheriff dept

from county budget document - they have a dive team and 2 K9 teams -
there is a $20,00 contractual item in the budget for communications -
that might be for state police dispatch and psap services - there is
also a 20K item for radios

Narrative: The staff of the Kennebec County Sheriff's Office is
committed to protecting life, property and the constitutional rights
of all citizens. The Kennebec County Sheriff's Office was established
in 1799. Through the years the role of the Sheriff's Office has
changed and been enhanced by the population and needs of the people of
Kennebec County. The Law Enforcement Division currently has twenty
full time Deputies that patrol on a regular basis. Our Patrol Division
is supported by the Detective Division consisting of three full time
Detectives. The Command Staff consists of a Lieutenant, the Chief
Deputy and the Sheriff. The Sheriff and the Chief Deputy split their
responsibilities between the Law Enforcement Division and Corrections.

Along with the patrol duties, Kennebec Sheriff's Office has a Dive
Rescue Team that can respond anywhere in the County. This Team is
supported by a small budget line and is primarily voluntary, which
lends credit to the value and commitment of our Deputies.

The Correctional Facility is a 24/7 operation with a average daily
population of 140 incarcerated individual.

Departmental Objectives: To provide the citizens of Kennebec County
and our visitors professional, compassionate and competent law
enforcement services. The safety and security of individuals who are
incarcerated using the hard-earned monies provided to the Kennebec
County Sheriff's Office by the tax payers residing in our county.
Assignments within the Law Enforcement Division: ✓ Maine Revenue
Services ✓ Maine and Federal Drug Enforcement ✓ Prisoner Transport ✓
Criminal Investigations Division ✓ Patrol ✓ Administration ✓ Civil
Process Programs and Specialties: ✓ Kennebec Dive Rescue Team ✓
Revenue Enforcement for State of Maine ✓ Regional Training provided. ✓
Motor Vehicle Crash Reconstruction ✓ 2 Active K-9 Teams ✓ C.A.R.A.
Program within the Correctional Facility ✓ Medically Assisted
Treatment for those with illegal drug dependencies disorders ✓
Correctional Diversionary Programs 125 State St. Augusta, ME 04330

2024 maine county directory or some such

there is included a list of local municipalities matched to their counties

fire activity map - and much more

along left side - 3rd map down - fire activity

we see data for last couple of days - maybe just 1 view per day

we also see recent earthquakes and short term usa weather warnings -
actually there are multiple fire activity and smoke detection maps
there along the left side

Maine E911 Addresses, Roads, Structure, and PSAP FGDB - from 2022

2022 data -

there seems to be 2024 data online at
which would be better - but how do you open it?

Maine E911 Addresses, Roads, Structure, and PSAP FGDB

remote control model fire trucks fight blaze

more realistic than my life

video clip

Beech Grove Texas building new fire station

apparently a new new station

on donated land with donated building materials

Monday, February 24, 2025

rape at norwell mass day program

Man accused of raping adult disabled woman at Norwell day program

italian mafia linked to huge spike in wildfires

dont wait 30 minutes to report a seizure anymore


is this canada only?

Univ of VT Critical Care Transport Program

looks like they have at least 4 big ground ambulances and 1 SUV and
the DHART helo

we did not find any NPI number for that DHART helo - maybe the UVM NPI
number is used for billing - I bet that DHART owns that helo and
provides the pilot and mtnce and dispatcher - but I bet that UVM owns
the ground ambulances

there might be 5 different phone numbers for activating that helo -
UVM Crit Care + DHART + hidden numbers - the FCC radio license might
have a couple of those phone numbers

vermont has 1 level 1 trauma center

Emergency Room (ER)

The Emergency Room (ER) at The UVM Medical Center in Burlington, VT
features Vermont's only Level 1 Trauma Center meaning we're trained
for all types of emergencies.



however - dartmouth hitchcock hospital in nh is also a level 1 trauma
center - and it is only 1 mile ish from the VT border

but the wording is interesting - we are trained to handle anything ish

video clip - pileup in china on bridge

you gotta run up the road and slow people down up the road - standing
there and yelling dont work too good

whatever - hindsight is 20/20 of course

salem oregon heads up

possible tornado - tornado is possible - per max velocity on twitter

gilman vt feed is actually norpac nh

154.445 R

hearing units at Santas Village checking an alarm now

Jefferson NH FD - K1 K3 Eng1 Utility1

also Lancaster NH FD was heard at a burnt food call

"NORPAC" is the dispatcher

feed is listed as gilman rescue in essex county vermont on 154.445 per

iirc Norpac might dispatch some units in VT - maybe Gilman VT is one
of them - or maybe they just use the same freq as Gilman

live scanner audio feed

Re: [sme2] new concord ohio active shooter at a college

students still hiding - searches still under way - per radio traffic
from scanner feed - 2017 pm et

portland oregon area - severe t storm warning

oh my

usa - border apprehensions way down

"Single Day Border Apprehensions Hit 15-Year Low Under President Trump"

apparently Trump has secretly ordered that the borders be wide opened

(we can be just as stupid as any MAGA when creating BS conspiracy theories)

Re: new concord ohio active shooter at a college

seems that a search is underway - evacing 2 people

college 1 - college 3 - radio IDs - 755 pm et

new concord ohio active shooter at a college

spike strips to hell and back

Rusted Broken fire extinguisher Restoration

10 minute video of restoration process - rust removal - etc


standish maine is dispatched by cumberland county 911

July 2, 2018

Effective immediately Standish Communications Center dispatch
operations have been relocated to Cumberland County Regional
Communications. If you have an emergency, call 911.


(not sure if this is listed correctly at county 911 website - or here even)

cumberland county maine - fire service study - 2024

list of most fire stations

list of most fire vehicles

no portland info

116 page pdf

dont be this fire station

nobleboro maine - fire station swallowed up by vegetation

which poses an interesting question - how many fire stations in the
USA have been hardened against ember storms - how many have smoke
detectors? - how many have sprinklers? - how many have alarm systems?

2 long posts here about insulin - ketones - weight loss - etc

low fat diet is bad

low carb diet is better

my guess - low AMYTHING diet will be shown to be bad

my 2nd guess - a balanced diet is best

there seems to be an underlying belief here that everyone has to be a
meat eater - giraffes and pandas and Malaysia and India might disagree

usa is down to 1 E4B

doesnt the navy have some command birds also?

chemtrec expands its services

1-800-424-9300 or was it 1-800-424-9200 - think it was 9300

chemtrec is the people that you call when you have a chemical fire or
spill and need advice

pretty sure they are a private outfit - probably funded by the
chemical manufacturers association - come to think of it - that sounds
like a serious conflict of interest - maybe FEMA should run CHEMTREC

Hanceville AL - a river of drugs runs thru it

1 dispatcher dead - entire PD arrested

the coverup always gets them

yo karen read case canton mass john o'keefe

lisbon maine 911 call - 2018

Lisbon, Maine dispatcher saves tourists in Lisbon, Portugal › article › life › heartwarming
Jul 17, 2018 — When tourists get stuck in an elevator in Lisbon,
Portugal, they called the Lisbon Police. The problem is they called
Lisbon, Maine.

FEMA daily headsup

Hazard Monitoring:
• Heavy Rain / Flash Flooding – Pacific Northwest
• Rain / Thunderstorms – Pacific Northwest and Gulf Coast
• Heavy Snow – Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies

USA - 1980 National Directory of 911 Systems

550 pages - yikes

Sunday, February 23, 2025

cumberland county maine psap serves 19 of 28 communities

who dispatches these FDs? - bridgeton + New Gloster + North Yarmouth +
Pownal + Sebago + Standish

we need to do more checking

we might already have the answers - need to dig them up

fundraiser for fdny emt

only 3k of 10k raised in a month


FDNY EMS Lt died after calling 911

why wasnt engine company already there? - if he had SOB that was so
bad that it killed him - shouldnt an engine be assigned?

obviously their 'check the call' policy needs a huge overhaul

2024 report on maine 911
PSAP report.pdf

90% of dispatchers that quit leave for stress

they probably get tired of hearing people die all the time and not get
saved due to bad response times and bad policies and bad training -
especially if they can make the same money driving a truck or working
at a mall

one agency paid a 30% stipend to keep dispatchers

alternate emergency phone numbers for maine

looks like they have 1 PSAP per county plus 3 state police PSAPs + 9 local PSAPs

some of the local PSAPs might serve just 1 or 2 communities - such as
Portland and Lewsiton/Auburn - pretty sure that York serves about 5
towns - Scarborough might serve 2 or 3 adjacent towns - Sanford serves
approx 12 towns - Waterville might serve 12 towns also - biddeford
serves as psap for saco and maybe kennebunk - but they do their own

not sure who the wireless calls go to

doctors on ambulances - 20% reduction in deaths - holy moly andrew!

23 studies were analyzed - involving 323,000 critical patients in 10 countries

we dont see any mention of response times - would think that would
have a major impact on outcomes - for instance - wouldnt EMTs that
respond in 5 minutes get just as good results as doctors that respond
in 15 minutes?

or to say it another way - if the doctors had 5 minute response times
could they have saved 40% more people instead of 20% more (or whatever
numbers you want to use)

note - seems to me that doctors earn $200K per year in USA versus
medics who make $100K per year

info on Lifeflight of Maine

from their website today

they have 5 helos - they run 3 of them 24/7

LF1 Bangor
LF2 Lewiston
LF4 Sanford

they also have 1 fixed wing at bangor - it is LF3 - it flies at 360
mph which is twice the speed of the helos

in fall 2023 they got their own ground ambulances - more than one -
not sure how many though

hq is at bangor airport - medcomm is next door - medcomm dispatches
the helos and dispatches 3 private ambulance companies also - life
flights spends 1 million per year on communications - that is probably
their share of the medcomm dispatch center costs

life flights spends $2M per year on admin - they also spend $10M on
medical crews - not sure what they spend on pilots and mechanics -
they spend $1M on a foundation that brings in $1.5M in donations -
they have $7M in the bank - they made $2M 'profit' in 2024

iirc they billed $50M to patients - but only got about $25M in revenue
out of that

not sure what their total staffing is - they dont have photos of all
of their staff in their annual report

92% of their calls are inter hospital transfers

2011 wayne wv - female died at 22 - had 4 kids - ????

JANESSA SARTIN WORKMAN, 22, of Wayne, W.Va., passed away March 10,
2011. She was born April 25, 1988 in Louisa, Kentucky. Her father,
Michael Drenner preceded her in death along with grandfather Bill
Surviving are her husband Mark Workman and four children, Haley Brook,
twins Desiree and Danielle, and Mark Anthony, all at home; mother
Brenda Fields and step-father Gary Fields; grandmother Doris Drenner,
who loved her dearly and with whom she made her home early in life;
mother-in-law Charlotte Adkins of Lesage, W.Va.; brothers Barry Watts,
Gary Fields Jr. and Michael Drenner; and sisters Jessie and Kendra
Fields. Funeral service will be conducted at noon Thursday at Johnson
Tiller Funeral Home, Wayne. Burial will follow at the Drenner
Cemetery, Little Lynn. Friends may call two hours prior to the service

silver city NM engine 11 - 2022 photo

canton fd vs karen read case

medic flematti - ????? - whats this about then?

burlington rollover 128 south at 3a

MVAs kill 1.2M per year worldwide

this guy has been head of UN for 20 years and finally he gets around
to doing something useful - more or less

Pam Bondi says Epstein client list is sitting on her desk 'right now' and being reviewed for release

Pam Bondi says Epstein client list is sitting on her desk 'right now'
and being reviewed for release


no really

deck gun with low friction loss

5 psi loss at 2000 gpm


its all about laminar flow vs turbulent flow in the nozzle - iirc

refinery fire truck - ert - emergency response team - industrial fire
department - industrial fire brigade - chemical plant

Taunton Mass 2nd alarm

SW USA - fire risks

6 to 10 days

India getting 788 electric helos to harvest organs

not kidding - READ THE ARTICLE

williston ND getting new medevac plane

helo went out of business in 2023

medics from FD will staff the plane

jury tampering by state in karen read case

iirc alan jackson said the other day that he does not have firm proof
of this yet

do you think it is just happening in Massachusetts? lol lol lol

daily fema headsup

Hazard Monitoring:
• Freezing Rain/Heavy Snow – Northern Intermountain, Northern Rockies,
Lower Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes
• Heavy Rain/Flash Flooding – Pacific Northwest

the market for war gets bigger every year

ambulance call on midway atoll - nov 2024

uscg sent a C130 from hawii with a nurse from a local hospital

does FWS have a fire truck on midway?

midway atoll is way out in the pacific somewhere

what does uscg use for comms out there? satellite phones? shortwave? internet?

Yerington NV has new medevac helo

which is it - medevac 1 or battle born medevac 1? better get that
sorted out quick - not kidding - aint no one gonna be saying 'battle
born medevac 1' on the radio - 'hey fly boys' would be a better radio

dispatched by Lyons County Sheriff Dept

do they have a hoist? can they sling a bambi bucket? can they do short haul?

air ambulance service - at dot website

complaints not updated since 2023


Air Ambulances in United States US - "complete list"

this might be a fly by night list for a fly by night industry -
literally and figuratively

medevacs in massachusetts (and USA)


American Medical Response of Massachusetts – Springfield – G (Expires 7/16/2025)
Boston Children's Hospital – Boston – RW/G (Expires – 4/1/2025)
Boston MedFlight – Bedford – RW/FW/G (Expires – 7/28/2025)
UMass Life Flight – Worcester – RW (Expires – 9/22/2026)

actually - accredited providers whatever

from - full list for usa

G = ground critical care

RW = helicopter

FW = plane

does Boston Childrens have their own helo? or do they fly on Boston MedFlight?

no listing for Vermont

New Hampshire

DHART – Lebanon, NH – RW/G (Expires – 9/22/2026)
On Call International Rescue Nurse – Salem – ME/+ (Expires 10/22/2027)

DHART does not have Vermont bird accredited apparently


LifeFlight of Maine -Bangor & Lewiston – RW/FW/G (Expires – 11/1/2025)

apparently maryland state police are not accredited by camts - oh baby oh baby

air ambulance services in usa
- just 32 listed here at wikipedia -
maybe the same 32 listed here
- approx 2017 list from CAMTS

List of internation medevacs 2022 from state dept

just 9 listed

Saturday, February 22, 2025

cleveland clinic got a new helo with 5 rotors


CIA SPY: The Seduction Tactics Men Use That Women ALWAYS Miss (Don’t Fall For It!)

CIA SPY: The Seduction Tactics Men Use That Women ALWAYS Miss (Don't
Fall For It!)

fascinating stuff - lots of background info - hormones - stressors -
influences - etc

russia and china have both used female spies against the usa very effectively

DCFD radio traffic from 1976

iirc the radio channels back then were -

ch 1 - 154.19 R - with 154.40 input

ch 2 - 154.205

ch 3 - 154.235

maybe 2 and 3 are backwards

ambulances were on 33.06 back then iirc

this is a 4th alarm rowhouse fire

there are some old LODD reports for dcfd iirc - they probably list the
exact radio channels

chile maybe - big factory fire - maybe total loss

drafting operation

bodycam on the pump operator - very jerky

chile house fire video - the water, it does nothing

that looked like a 2 inch hoseline - and it accomplished nothing - he
had the wind at his back - maybe a fog stream would have done better -
let the wind carry the water into the flames

the water it does nothing

putting the wet stuff on the red stuff

12 minute video

the finally got one engine to the front

houston tx - rosalie at nettleton - church fire

lats longs for stadium in Iran

war on terrorism

horticulture is so hard - who knew

greenfield mass - the $5M man

the $5M man - greenfield mass

after he gets out of prison and rehab - he will have cost us all $5M probably

amherst mass had house fire at 4 am

using ladder pipe to fill house with water

q5 subject - bolo on bap3 at 545pm et

mass tag has BPF - mercedes grey suv - maybe revere area - didnt catch
the agency - male born in ?1995?

karen read asked about 'i hit him'

she was asked why she said she might have hit him

she said because she had no clue she was dealing with murderers

(these are my words - you can hear the exact words here around 2840 on the tape)

canton mass john o'keefe

bolo on bap 3

bolo on bap3 at 525 pm et - unknown pd - seeking red mercedes with
front end damage after hit and run - mass tag unknown characters -
only broadcast once - no acknowledgment by any PD

3 killed at KY DMV

seems to be a targeted hit on some guy - maybe with 2 women

re york PA

per lookner chat re york PA

1 dr, 1 nurse, a hospital worker and 2 police officers were shot.
Shooter was grieving a family member in hospice.

abc news -shooter killed self - 2 cops and 1 nurse shot

signal has been hacked - or something sorta ish

york pa area getting grass fire calls today

1 hour ago - 1 acre field fire

now - small outside grass fire in york city

Re: york pa - active shooter at hospital

update 1239 pm et - requesting barricades around the hospital for an
extended operation

that dont sound good

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 12:37 PM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> 1235 pm et - all medevac helos released from the scene
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:59 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > incident was actually at umpc meml hosp in west manchester twp per alertpage
> >
> > news media to stage at innovation and roosevelt
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:45 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > > unified command being established at main entrance - fire command is on "4"
> > >
> > > On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:39 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >

Re: york pa - active shooter at hospital

1235 pm et - all medevac helos released from the scene

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:59 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> incident was actually at umpc meml hosp in west manchester twp per alertpage
> news media to stage at innovation and roosevelt
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:45 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> > unified command being established at main entrance - fire command is on "4"
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:39 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> > >
> > >

blm district helitack and aviation moving onto nifc campus

they were nearby iirc

Re: york pa - active shooter at hospital

incident was actually at umpc meml hosp in west manchester twp per alertpage

news media to stage at innovation and roosevelt

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:45 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> unified command being established at main entrance - fire command is on "4"
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:39 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> >
> >

Re: york pa - active shooter at hospital

unified command being established at main entrance - fire command is on "4"

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 11:39 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:

york pa - active shooter at hospital

mini flip phone

maybe is drop shipped - maybe no good - maybe illegal in usa - etc

nice form factor though

FEMA daily headsup

New Significant Incidents / Ongoing Ops:
• No new significant incidents / operations

Hazard Monitoring:
• Freezing Rain/Heavy Snow – Pacific Northwest
• Rain/Thunderstorms – Texas and Louisiana

Friday, February 21, 2025

acton maine fire showing

youngs ridge road

in york county

contra costa county has fire helo again

back in 2020 they shared 2 helos with REACH - 1 even had a hoist and
could drop water

apparently those 2 helos have been discontinued

2nd article -

cambridge mass highrise fire

cambridgepark drive - penthouse on fire on 7 story bld

DNA testing can have a huge impact on your health

cool video shows how DNA testing can have a huge impact on your life

gut issues - mental health issues - etc etc - its wild

the methylenation cycles are affected

iirc - methyl groups are 1 carbon atom and a couple of hydrogen atoms
- so they are talking about 800 billion chemical reactions that happen
daily in your body

Monroe County Florida - 911 is down

wcvb ignore corruption in karen read case

from yt - these are the videos that they have online now - notice - no
mention of gross corruption in karen read case

Horses safely returned after escaping from MetroWest farm

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millions not being spent on drug ODs - massachusetts

drug OD money not being spent

adam chapdalaine at end - former arlington town manager

LA mayor dismisses fire chief over response to most destructive wildfire

LA mayor dismisses fire chief over response to most destructive
wildfire in city history last month

per AP

she will probably get a $1M job as fire safety boss at the Playboy Mansion

911 dispatcher chat live now

In The Trenches

smokers should go outside per scotland FD