Sunday, February 23, 2025

info on Lifeflight of Maine

from their website today

they have 5 helos - they run 3 of them 24/7

LF1 Bangor
LF2 Lewiston
LF4 Sanford

they also have 1 fixed wing at bangor - it is LF3 - it flies at 360
mph which is twice the speed of the helos

in fall 2023 they got their own ground ambulances - more than one -
not sure how many though

hq is at bangor airport - medcomm is next door - medcomm dispatches
the helos and dispatches 3 private ambulance companies also - life
flights spends 1 million per year on communications - that is probably
their share of the medcomm dispatch center costs

life flights spends $2M per year on admin - they also spend $10M on
medical crews - not sure what they spend on pilots and mechanics -
they spend $1M on a foundation that brings in $1.5M in donations -
they have $7M in the bank - they made $2M 'profit' in 2024

iirc they billed $50M to patients - but only got about $25M in revenue
out of that

not sure what their total staffing is - they dont have photos of all
of their staff in their annual report

92% of their calls are inter hospital transfers

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