Friday, February 21, 2025

1925 info from Salisaw Oklahoma

(From the Feb. 20,1925, issue of the Sequoyah County Democrat) —The
regular monthly meeting of the Sallisaw Fire Department was held
Monday evening at the city hall and a number of important matters
discussed by the fire boys. Fire Chief Albert Peters presided and
outlined to the membership many proposed improvements for the year
1925 and also told of his recent visit to the Tulsa Fire Department.

Chief Peters also impressed the members present with the absolute need
of a new fire truck here and called upon those present to express
themselves as to how they felt concerning the purchase of a new truck.
Sentiment was unanimous for its purchase and from first hand knowledge
gained from recent runs, it was learned that the truck now in use is
actually unsafe and that a serious mishap may be realized any day. The
truck has been in constant use since 1917 and but very few repairs or
improvements have been made since the date of purchase.

The Sallisaw department is composed of volunteers who serve the year
round without pay, only one salaried man being maintained. Many of the
business men and property owners about town have already expressed
themselves as favorable to the purchase, realizing as they do that it
will be money well spent and that "a stitch in time saves nine."

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