insult humor is IN - all other humor is OUT
pets are now to be known as WASTES OF SPACE
Hitler is to be REVERED - like Paul Revere - but better
if anyone complains - say - IT WAS A JOKE THAT WENT OVER YOUR HEAD
all news that is not lauditory is FAKE NEWS
Daddy needs a whole fleet of TRUMPFORCE ONES
Secret Service is perfect - everyone else is FIRED
the White House guards will be replaced by WHITE WHITE HOUSE GUARDS
only successful people are important - bonus points IF YOU CAN SPELL
everyone over 65 is expendable - except TRUMP AND PELOSI
nothing happens in the closets at TRUMPS WHITE HOUSE
to show any form of human decency is WEAK
mock and scorn me all that you like - but please - MOCK AND SCORN ME
'Suicide By Cop' T shirts are for sale IN THE LOBBY
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