Friday, March 7, 2025

psap and dispatch info for cape cod

created a new map layer for psap and dispatch info

blue pin = psap is county

red flame - fd dispatched by county

if you study the map hard and long - you will see that -

3 towns are / can be served by just 1 dispatcher - Sandwich + Ptown + Truro

1 town is served by 4 dispatchers - Barnstable - the 4 dispatchers are
- County + BPD + Hyannis Fire + COMM Fire - but come to think of it -
has Hyannis FD dispatchers merged into BPD?

2 towns are served by 3 dispatchers - Falmouth and maybe Chatham

the rest are served by 2 dispatchers

its wildly convoluted

we have looked at this before

trying to figure out a better way to present this info

one thing to keep in mind - every PD is dispatched by a local PD
dispatcher - or to say that another way - the county dispatch center
does not dispatch any of the PDs - and none of the PDs share

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