Ashby PD is listed under Middlesex County
MetroFire Admin - TG 1089 - someone heard doing test counts in the
clear on 3/4/2025 at 945 am
Lakeville PD is listed under Plymouth County - as is NYC DEP Police - ???
MassPort Logan FD alerting - TG 35 - just heard some calls being
dispatched - nothing else heard - just the dispatcher was heard -
seemed to be intermittent - on for 2 hours then not heard again till
24 hours later
Westboro FD - 482.40 - listed under Worcester County
Worcester FD dispatch channel - TG 4443 - each call is announced twice
- just the dispatcher is heard and 1 attention tone - also - 1809 pm -
'evening klaxon test' announced - no tones heard or anything - no
klaxon heard - it must be down via internet - then the weather and the
chiefs are announced
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