Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Polk County FL - after action report


this was the fire where the lady burnt up while talking to 911 on the phone

lost 2 minutes with slow dispatch

lost 1 minute with slow turnout

lost 4 minutes by getting lost

lost 5 minutes by not pulling the right hose line

no mention of war between BC and E6 on radio about trapped party - no
mention of E6 looking for homeowner info - no mention of how rare it
is to have ANY radio traffic about a trapped person at a fire

they want to claim that the structure was TOO dangerous to enter while
a woman was on the phone to 911 - she was alive and on the phone while
they were in the yard - per pg 25 of 45 - in fact, Eng 6 was on scene
at 1922 and the lady was still on the phone at 1927

it should be really easy - fire truck stops in driveway - 2 guys get
out with airpaks on and pull hose toward house - engineer helps pull
hose then turns on water

in the future - self driving fire truck goes to front of house and
flows water on fire - the 1 guy steps off truck and takes a selfie

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