Monday, April 29, 2019

Metes and Bounds - real estate

general information

the surveying of properties to establish the boundaries is not precise

the 13 original colonies use the very old 'metes and bounds' system - Texas also

other states use a newer system of measurements that went into use in
1785 - the Public Land Survey System

I suspect that GPS can be used to determine locations down to 1 inch
or better - but the million dollar question is - is GPS really useful
for surveying? If I find one boundary is wrong in downtown Boston -
will that cause 500 other boundaries to be wrong? Is it worth the
effort to screw everything up in order to make it "perfect"? On the
other hand - down town Boston is full of streets. Land owners can
squawk all they want about boundaries - but the city will never let
anyone build a structure that obstructs a sidewalk or roadway. So
there are a multitude of "natural" boundaries in downtown Boston.

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