Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ennis TX FD is ISO 2/10

Class 2 within 5 miles of a fire station

Class 10 if more than 5 miles from a fire station

for class rated properties - what does that mean exactly?

lets compare

staffed fire station - can roll rig in 1 minute - 60 MPH on fast road
- can travel 5 miles in 5 minutes - so this is a 6 minute response
time for a staffed engine with 3 people

volunteer station - worse case scenario - 8 minute turnout time - 5
miles on 30 MPH twisty mountain road - 10 minute travel time - total
response time of 18 minutes for an engine with maybe just 1 person

so the class 9 volunteer FD would have a 18 minute response time while
the class 10 paid FD would have a 6 minute response time

I think that ISO has to start accounting for real turnout time and
real travel time

the difference should be real - lets say that a garage is fully
involved - the engine that shows up in 6 minutes can keep the fire out
of the main building - the VFD in 18 minutes will lose the garage and
the main bld - the city FD will knock out the 1 acre brush fire - the
VFD will see the brush fire grow to 1,000 acres - the city FD will
extricate a viable victim from the car wreck - the VFD will just wait
for the medical examiner and the tow truck to show up

this must show up in loss statistics somewhere

dont seem quite right

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