Monday, October 28, 2019

Los Angeles - tuesday evening - 80+ gusts


1. lets assume that aircraft cannot fly

2. lets assume that some repeater sites and cell towers will go down

3. maybe it would be a real good idea to set up a simplex countywide
command net on 154.28 - put vehicles with mobile radios on 154.28 on
the 12 highest driveable mountains

4. the only other option I see is using sat phones or maybe some
countywide TRS - or using ham channels - I dont think that any low
band channels are in service

5. maybe they need simplex radios at all of the PSAPs in the county also

Lots of people will be calling 911. No one knows where these calls
will end up. But they have to be relayed to the nearest chief officer
or fire company some how. Otherwise you are basically into "total
communications failure" mode. And all field units would then have to
operate independently without support from any other units.

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