Sunday, February 2, 2020

2 months to Boston Marathon 2020

what should public safety plan for?

baseline scenario - Pru fills up with natural gas - blasts off into
outer space - then falls back to earth and lands on top of John
Hancock Tower or whatever it is called nowadays

requirements - USAR response 1200 feet in air plus decon for Martians

Boston Fire has maybe 20 radio channels so should be easy to handle -
of course the inhouse repeaters will be wrecked so all ops will have
to be simplex - right? or wrong?


does boston fd have multi band portables? if they do, they can
probably find a bunch of clear channels at VHF highband

maybe boston fire could put a bunch of temporary repeaters in the back
bay on 483.15 + 483.175 + 483.20 + 483.225 + 483.25 + 483.275 + 483.30
+ 483.325 plus ?470.0375? metro grey? + 470.0625? Metro silver - that
would give them 10 repeater pairs in the back bay plus the regular ch
1 to ch 4 plus metro red - ch1 and ch 4 and metro red could be the
primary channels for any subway incidents - but that means that ch 1
has to be cleared of the daily bs - they could go to ch 2 I suppose

maybe they could also use utacs and vtacs - that could give them
another 6 repeater pairs (UHF and VHF)

I cant think of any other available repeater pairs - but maybe they
could use some suburban repeater pairs - like Foxboro FD and Peabody
FD use 484.6625 iirc - boston could probably use that in the back bay
- and brockton uses 154.31 and lowell uses 154.205 - boston could use
them in the back bay probably

if the feds bring in 100 temporary repeaters - that could be useful -
they have millions of unused federal channels in Boston - 138 mhz to
174 mhz plus 380 mhz to 420 mhz - plus who knows what else

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