Sunday, February 9, 2020

Online info about USA FDs

many USA FDs seem to have moved their online presence to Facebook

websites have not been updated in 5 to 10 years

there is never any notifications that the website has not been updated
in 10 years

trying to find out if a FD has any substations is ridiculously hard on
Facebook - one usually has to scroll backwards thru photos until a
fire station appears

Facebook does usually have good map locations of most FD HQs - that
seems to be mandated in the sign up process - apparently Facebook
requires a street address for a FD HQ - or they require that an icon
be dragged to the map location

Facebook usually has a business phone number for each FD HQ also -
sometimes it is the only way to find the address and/or phone number
of a FD HQ via the Internet - many FD websites have very scant info
about HQ locations or sub station locations - its kind of funny -
there will be pictures of every firefighter, vehicle, station,
funeral, party, etc - but many times there is no mention of sub
stations nor their addresses

Bottom line - you can search Google using "location name" or "FD name"
and the word "fire" - (ie - 'Boston Fire' - 'Los Angele Fire' - no
need for quote marks when searching) - typically websites and
facebook pages will pop up - and many times links to and home town locator also appear - plus yelp

recently I have come across a half dozen rural fire stations that were
built in the last 2 or 3 years - yet they dont appear on the FD
websites/Facebooks nor at hometownlocator nor at -
usually this info pops up in searches of assessors databases and news
media articles - searching Google for "new fire station" and a
community name or a county name might be worthwhile

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