Friday, January 27, 2023

NZ emergency air ops plan for Otago area*/

around 40 pages - lists radio channels and airports etc

have NEVER seen any plan like this for the USA - note that they have
even more local plans that list all of the local capabilities

this is not a medevac plan, SAR plan, or a wildfire plan - this is for
general emergencies


for the USA - maybe the plan should be - any aircraft already over the
affected area should circle in a "right hand pattern" at ?2,000? feet
and talk on 121.50 - if there are no aircraft already in the air -
then anyone within 100 to 500 miles should go airborne - circle in a
?right hand pattern? at ?2,000 feet? and talk on 121.50 - possibly
carry a HT on 154.28 or 155.34 or 155.37 or 453.4625 or 851.0125 etc -
hopefully CAP or DOD could get an aircraft up and on 121.50 to relay
comms back to Washington DC or the state capitol or someone

maybe in rural areas 122.75 or 122.70 or 122.925 or some such aviation
channel would be better than 121.50 - but 121.50 seems to be the most
widely known radio channel in the aviation world

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