Thursday, April 27, 2023

Franklin VFD WV - 2012 - rent out self storage

they seem to have 2 large self storage buildings behind the fire station

wonder how much money they could make doing that? maybe $50 per month
X 50 units - $2500 per month - $30K per year - could hire 1 FT person
to staff the place weekdays - cool - they could do bicycle repair and
car repair also - then they could hire 2 more people - then you would
have a FT FD basically - interesting

or you could have a photography shop or a portrait gallery - or a
urgent care center - even better - have a physicians assistant who is
also trained as a firefighter

any business that can allow the proprietor to leave at a moments
notice and be gone for 1 hour or 30 minutes - without causing safety
hazards or causing the side business to collapse

we use to hear stories of small town VFDs staffed by the local barbers
and attorneys etc - many farmers were volunteer firefighters also - is
this still the case?

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