Sunday, December 3, 2023

urgent care at MIT is provided by AI

click on where it says - "When should I go to Urgent Care?"

you get an AI Bot that wants you to "add a reply? what the hell does
that mean? does it mean - 'type some words"?

apparently they have an urgent care center at bld E25

I am an AI assistant, and I am unable to provide medical advice or
recommendations. If you need to be seen for an urgent, but not
life-threatening condition, MIT Medical Urgent Care is available
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. • 8 p.m., Weekends and holidays 10 a.m. • 4 p.m.
The address for MIT Medical Urgent Care is 77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Building E23, Cambridge, MA 02139. For medical advice, MIT Medical is
available by phone 24 hours a day. Call 617-253-4481 and press 5 for
guidance on what to do for an urgent medical problem.

dear AI - you are actually located on Carleton St - but hey - you be stupid you


background info - mit health does operate 1 bls ambulance - but maybe
only on weekdays - mit pd probably responds to ems calls with EMTs -
and MIT PD probably also calls in Cambridge FD and Pro Ambulance
Service for serious calls - cambridge fd has E2 L3 Sqd2 right up the
street - Sqd 2 is a non transport ems/fire unit staffed by 2
firefighter/medics - they usually use Pro Amb as transport unit but
maybe they can use Cambridge FD Rescue 1 to transport also

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