Monday, June 17, 2024

Japan's seaplane hopes - an article in awst

may 6 2024 awst

japan's seaplane hopes - page 42

breaking the cost dilemma for US-2 seaplane exports

japan maintains a fleet of only 7

"Emergency response organizations are most keen on acquiring the fire
fighting version which has yet to be built as Japan experiences very
few major fires and has no need for them. There are active
conversations about acquiring the variant around the globe, and those
in Europe and North America are at a more advanced stage.

The water scoop and tank mechanisms have been developed and completed
simulations and wind tunnel tests for a 15 ton water payload. However,
ShinMaywa is not allowed to use a decommissioned US-2 to build a
prototype, as the aircraft are built with taxpayer funds under strict
defense ministry orders."

shes got a kid ... together -

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