Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Re: info from 2023 NICC Annual Report

Engine Mobilizations NICC received 2,719 engine requests in 2023. Of
those requests: 1,876 were filled, 369 were canceled and 474 were UTF.
Type 6 engines were the most requested engine with 1,653 requests and
1,131 fills. Type 3 engines were the next most requested with 758
requests and 462 fills. The number of engine mobilizations was below
the five-year average, but similar to the ten-year average.

UTF = unable to fill = unable to furnish an engine to respond to the request

think it works like this - Angeles Natl Forest requests 5 type 3
engines - South Zone checks their list - they call the nearby Natl
Forests to see if they have units available - if no one in south zone
can get 5 engines rolling within 1 hour - then the request is either
killed / UTF - or is handed to NCIC - maybe if no one in AZ or NV can
get 5 engines rolling in one hour - then NCIC calls South Zone and
South Zone calls ANF to tell them "sorry - no can do"

every Natl Forest dispatcher should have a pretty good idea of where
all the trucks are located - and where the staff are located - at a
party - at a station - at a hotel - on vaction - on a sick day - etc -
so the dispatcher should have a pretty good idea if they can get an
engine on the road within 1 hour or not

typical summer staffing for a summer time type 3 engine in california
is 7 people iirc - they staff the engine with 5 people every day from
9 am to 5 pm - and two people are off duty at various times - at
night, everyone is sleeping or partying somewhere - but available for
work - so the engine can be restaffed during darkness within 1 hour
usually - we imagine - with 5 to 7 people

many of the engines might have a pickup truck also - or they have
extra people following in a private vehicle possibly - when responding
over a long distance

afaik - the feds never ship their engines and crews by railroad - nor
via military transport plane

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