Friday, June 21, 2024

San Diego NWR Complex - component units

6 81680 San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex

7 81681 Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge

7 81682 Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge

7 81683 Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge

7 81720 San Diego National Wildlife Refuge


the first number is the 'level' - level 7 is the lowest - level 1 is
the highest (the NWR Director)

the NWR organizational levels are apparently - national - regional -
complex - refuge

a 'complex' is more than 1 refuges in a grouping

there are 8 regions - plus 'Region 9' seems to be the nationwide
entities - chiefs of refuge, fire, and law enforcement - plus the
conservation training center - wherever that is located

shes got a kid ... together -

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