Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Post Fire - the first 30 minutes

The Post Fire - at Gorman California - in the NW corner of Los Angeles County

( this is my first draft - it might be 90% accurate )

Initial Dispatch at 1350 hours local

Los Angeles County sent E77 / E477 + Patrol 77 + E149 + E76 + E78 +
E124 + Batt 4 + Bat 11 + Copter 21 + Copter 12 - Copter 12 had to fuel
up before responding as they had just cleared an earlier call

Kern County sent E356 E357 Batt5 Dozer1 Dozer2 and Helo 408

Angeles Natl Forest sent - at 1353 hours - LPFE374 (yup anf dispatches
1 lpf engine - it runs from an anf fire sta) -+ E314 + E316 + E310 +
E10 + Patrol 35 + Div 1 + Div 2

Comm plan was - Command on LA County V1 - Primary Tac was VFire 22 -
2ndary Tac was VFire 23 - air to ground was V9 direct - Air Tac was
Air Tac 74 - victor was 118.95

comms on the V1 repeater system was pretty darn good - seemed that all
the portable radios were working great - simplex comms were also used
on V1 - dispatcher was duplex - dispatcher audio was equal to mobile
audio during doubles

E77 mobile computer was not working very good - they didnt get the
comm plan initially

la county paged out some units on "Dispatch"

never heard any hand crews mentioned

initial comms from E77 to dispatcher were on "Dispatch 1" - E77 then
moved to V1 with everyone else

actually - E77 responded in Eng 477 - meaning - they left the TY1
structure engine at the station and took the TU3 engine

first radio messages

150 PM - E477 tells E124 to set up at helispot 77 Echo - this is sop
for la county fd

dispatcher says receiving multi calls for a brush fire - 153 pm

E149 reports heavy traffic on I5 northbound - units might be delayed - 155 pm

CHP reports horse trailer involved - fire jump roadway - 157 pm - per dispatcher

157 pm Patrol 77 reports onscene with 1/4 acre of grass and a spot
fire to the north along the off ramp - winds from north at 15

Eng 77 arrives at 158 pm ish - have Kern E356 go to fire to north -
request 2nd alarm

200 pm - LPFE74 says something

204 pm - E356 at northern fire

216 pm ish - airtankers 76 and 100 on the way - LA City Fire 5 helo on
the way - Air Attack 12 assinged

207 pm - kern county helo 408 has 20 minute eta

209 pm - request 3rd alarm - cars exploding - fire spotting 1/4 mille
- request evacs

211 pm - kern county batt 5 calling IC - no reply

212 pm - E149 ETA is 5 - told to go to Frazier and loop back down
Ralph Road and become Zulu sector

214 pm - squad 149 eta 2 - will be medical sector at ICP

214 pm - co[ter 21 at scene

214 pm - tankers expected to arrive at 1430 hours

215 pm - copter 12 now enroute - eta 18 minutes

216 pm - E76 eta 3

218 pm - Eng 78 and Patrol 78 at scene - took them 28 minutes to
arrive - iirc E76 and E78 are down in Los angeles city at sylmar and
or chatsworth - maybe not that far south - but obviously is a very
long run for a first alarm unit - but it is what it is - there are no
closer units to Gorman - except for maybe 1 Kern engine at ?mentone ?

but to review - sta 77 and kern 56 and kern 57 all left their type 1
engines in their stations unstaffed - they got rid of the volunteers
back around 1976 iirc - so there aint no one to staff the extra units

some of the anf units had to drive thru los angeles city to get to the
fire - such as E10 and E310 from Tujunga Canyon - again - there is no
one closer

not sure if ANF or LPNF sent their helos - there was no mention of
them - lpnf helo at chuchupaite should have been only 5 minutes flight
time from the scene - at the anf helo from fox field could have beat
the la county helos probably

the kern county helo must have come from the east side of the county

not sure if the chuchupaite helo is staffed yet in mid June

and sierra nf and blm might have had helos available at bakersfield

shes got a kid ... together -

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