Thursday, August 29, 2024

461.45 in boston mass area

461.45 is not only used for dispatch and flight following of boston
medflight helos - it is also used to coordinate all medevac helos that
fly into the boston area

maybe even uscg helos come up on 461.45 when taking a patient to a
boston hos[ital - maybe not

"maine lifeflight 1" just called 'landing assured' at MGH in downtown
boston on 461.45 - we heard both Maine LF1 and the Boston MF
dispatcher talking simplex on 461.45

this coord of medevac helos on the dispatch channel of the local
medevac agency is probably very common across the USA in the big
cities - we dont know of any FAA dedicated channels or frequencies
that are specifically used (or allocated or licensed) for this purpose

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