Saturday, August 31, 2024

boston murder rate vs los angeles murder rate - for example

boston murder rate would be X murders versus 600,000 population

los angeles murder rate would be X murders versus 4 million population

the los angeles murder rate would include many more crime free
neighborhoods than the boston murder rate

think about the way that the average usa city is laid out - there is
the downtown area full of highrises - then there are the higher crime
neighborhoods and maybe some rich enclaves - then there are the low
crime residential areas

boston mass basically just covers the downtown core and a couple of
higher street crime neighborhoods - the crime free suburbs are not
included in the boston street crime statistics

los angeles is different - los angeles includes the downtown area -
plus some high crime areas - plus the richer western enclave - plus
all of residential low crime san fernando valley

moral of the story - we need to find the murder rates for the metro
areas of the USA - iirc the Census Bureau calls them the Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Areas ish

you can bet that the murder rate is 100 times lower for beverly hills
vs los angeles - because beverly hills is a seperate city which is

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