Tuesday, September 10, 2024

2018 - ODF meeting cancelled due to threat


re new fire maps and new fire regulations


2024 - new regulations are being implemented for high risk properties

- the wildfire hazard maps

NOTE: This webpage includes DRAFT maps. All data and maps are subject
to change following a public comment period, county review, and based
on specific rules adopted by the Board of Forestry this September.

As of July 18, 2024, the Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer contains draft
versions of the statewide wildfire hazard and wildland-urban interface
maps that Oregon State University was required to develop by 2021
Senate Bill 762. The purposes of the maps are:

to educate Oregon residents about their property-level wildfire exposure;
to assist in prioritizing fire adaptation and mitigation resources to
locations with the greatest exposure; and
to identify where defensible space and fire-hardening standards and
codes will apply.

Only properties that are both high hazard and in the wildland-urban
interface will be subject to defensible space or fire-hardening
building codes. Properties that do not meet both criteria will not be
affected by the regulations.

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