Tuesday, September 10, 2024

about the debate

from twitter


Reminder that Trump's crisis planning involved overriding experts'
maps with a Sharpie to save his fragile ego, and extorting governors
when they asked for federal assistance during a pandemic that spiraled
out of control in part b/c he denied its existence.


This goes to the Trump rule of numbers: He never met one he couldn't
double or triple.

100 million didn't die in the 1918-19 flu pandemic. Horrible but maybe
50 million. -700k in U.S.


Kamala HQ

Trump: They don't give me enough credit for the great job I did with
the pandemic

(Over a million Americans died and he told us to inject bleach)


Trump to Governors on Ventilators: 'Try Getting It Yourselves'

On a conference call with the nation's governors, President Trump said
they should try to get ventilators on their own ahead of an expected
crush of coronavirus cases.



Scientific American
Researchers calculated the number of pregnancies resulting from rape
in states where abortion was banned throughout pregnancy after the
Supreme Court's Dobbs decision

64k pregnancies by rape have occured in states with abortion bans

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