first alarm - box alarm - usually transmitted for a reported structure fire
boston - 4 engines - 2 ladders - 1 rescue - 1 or 2 chiefs
cambridge - 3 engines and 2 ladders and 1 rescue + 1 als squad + 1 chief
somerville and quincy - 3 engines and 2 ladders and 1 rescue and 1 chief
newton - 3 engines and 1 ladder and 1 rescue and 1 chief and maybe 1
private ambulance
lynn - 3 engines and 1 ladder and 1 chief and 1 als fire ambulance or
maybe 1 private als ambulance
woburn - 3 engines and 1 quint and 1 fire bls ambulance and 1 chief
and maybe 1 private als suv
weymouth and medford and chelsea and revere - 3 engines and 1 ladder and 1 chief
everett - 2 engines and 1 ladder and 1 chief
arlington and burlington - 2 engines and 1 ladder and 1 bls fire
ambulance and 1 chief
randolph and needham and melrose and watertown - 2 engines and 1
ladder and 1 als fire ambulance and 1 chief
lexington - 2 als engines and 1 ladder and 1 als fire ambulance and 1 chief
reading and winchester - 2 engines and 1 ladder and 1 als fire ambulance
stoneham - 1 engine and 1 quint and 1 als private ambulance
weston - 2 engines and 1 bls fire ambulance and 1 chief and 1 oncall ladder
wellesley - 1 engine and 1 quint and 1 platform and 1 chief and maybe
1 private als ambulance
wakefield and saugus - 2 engines and 1 ladder and maybe 1 chief and
maybe 1 private ambulance
milton - 2 engines and maybe 1 ladder and maybe 1 private ambulance
staffing is typically 3 or 4 people per engine and ladder - but it
varies - there might be some 2 man ladders out there - stoneham and
winchester come to mind
you might wonder why every FD has to do something different - chaos rules!
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