Monday, September 23, 2024

livermore falls to get a sub sta


LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3, approved
spending $2,000 for Main-Land Development Consultants, Inc. of
Livermore Falls to conduct a survey with contours at the site of the
East Livermore fire substation.

Livermore Falls selectmen on Sept. 3 approve a $2,000 survey with
contours for the fire substation in East Livermore. Pictured from left
during the board meeting are Selectmen Bruce Peary, Jim Long, William
Kenniston, Jeffrey Bryant and John Barbioni. Pam Harnden/Livermore
Falls Advertiser

In April, residents voted 130-85 to authorize borrowing up $420,000 to
build a one-bay fire station in East Livermore.

A petition signed by 110 registered voters requested an article be put
on the ballot in 2020. It called for selectmen to secure a site and
provide for construction of a substation for one firetruck within a
mile of Park Street/Route 133 and Leeds Road/Route 106 intersection.

Voters approved building the station in November 2020 in a 992-399 vote.

Just over an acre on state Route 106 was purchased by the town for the
new station. It was finalized in 2023.

However, residents and town officials didn't realize until last year
that there was no funding attached to the 2020 warrant article.

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