Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Medford OR - daily lineup - usfs

not really sure what all of the numbers mean - but clearly you can see
that they have a large number of privately owned wildfire engines and
dozers on duty - Grayback is private - Timber Tipper is probably
private - "O-18 Summers Timber" might be a private mechanic or chief
officer (O = overhead)

DO is Duty Officer - the dispatcher will call the DO to figure out
what units to send to a incident sometimes - especially at night

Engine Rotation = list of units that will be sent 'off unit' for
mutual aid requests - like to california or montana or somewhere

not sure what the deal is with blm - on wildcad they show 3 engines -

internet just died or got funky - maybe cause trumpler got killed by a
girl last night

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