Monday, September 16, 2024

more info on the Airport Fire in Orange County Calif

there should be a comm plan included in the Incident Action Plan (IAP)

generally speaking - in Orange County - the USFS has wildfire
responsibility for USFS lands (FRA) - County Fire has responsibility
for SRA and LGA

Cal Fire used to have stations in Orange County to cover SRA - but
they closed like 30 years ago - and Cal Fire now pays Orange County
Fire to cover the state responsibility areas (SRA)

Based on this - County Fire is in charge of fires in the lowlands -
and USFS is in charge of fires in the mountains - at the borders they
both respond under joint mutual aid plans - and if the fire is burning
in both areas - they will form a Unified Command - both agencies will
jointly develop tactics to control the fire - and either OrCo or USFS
will be designated as the "ordering point" - ie the dispatch center
that is responsible for fulfilling requests from the Incident Command
Post (ICP)

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