Monday, September 16, 2024

numbers are up in socal

now 130 homes destroyed on Airport Fire and 33 homes destroyed in the
Bridge Fire

notice how the numbers of damaged structures is very low compared to
the number of destroyed structures - this tells us that when the fire
moves into a neighborhood, it causes nearly total destruction of all

we have commented about this before iirc - it is not hard to figure
out - fire does not take out any homes until the FD bails out of the
neighborhood - and then there is NO ONE around to do any firefighting
- so of course, anything that is smoldering, keeps smoldering until it
cant smolder no more - ie - total loss - this is the nature of fire
and combustion - fire does not slow down just because the FD left the

pretty sure that this has already discussed in the wildfire community
- but apparently no one is being assigned to mop up patrols

did LA City send any units to these fires? did San Francisco? did San Diego?

of course 160 homes is not the end of the world - when the big quake
hits they will lose 160,000 homes

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