Wednesday, September 18, 2024

the overnight noise report - ye little town of menotomous

230 am - dumpster truck

310 am - dumpster truck leaves rear of 11 water st - had been there
for 15 minutes ish

411 am - noisy truck

419 am - loud slam outside - maybe truck unloading at nyaj

423 am - loud slam in bld

513 am - 2 loud slams outside

530 am - 2 shots or slams

544 am - dumpster truck lit up like xmas tree goes along water st to
mass ave quietly

612 am - more slams outside

632 am - truck backup alarm and truck farts

800 am - yappy dog - has been yappy at 6 7 8 am for the last 2 weeks -
is it that old guy in the suv who had the medium sized mutt that just
walked along thru the muni lot yapping continuously as the guy yelled
at the dog? or is this a 2nd yappy dog that shows up bright and early?

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