Saturday, September 14, 2024

updates on wildfires

what we learned today - the fema totals for damaged and destroyed
buildings does match the totals shown on the south zone daily report
as "structures destroyed"

therefore - it seems that south zone has more detailed info than they
routinely publish - assuming that the info is flowing from south zone
to fema and not from fema to south zone

Line Fire - 38,000 acres - 25% contained - 1 home destroyed - $23.6M
cost to date of suppression efforts (CTD)

Airport Fire - 23,000 acres - 9% contained - 83 homes destroyed - 24
other blds destroyed - $15.8M CTD

Bridge Fire - 52,000 acres - 3% contained - 8 homes destroyed - 11
other blds destroyed - $12M CTD

Borel Fire - in Kern County - 59,000 acres - 223 structures destroyed - $42M CTD

CTD is calculated by adding up the hourly costs of each resource
assigned to the fire - they were gonna get paid 1 way or the other -
whether they stayed in the fire station waiting for calls - or if they
actually went to a fire and did work - so its a accounting deal -
thats all

its not like the ANF is gonna get hit with a $12M bill for the Bridge
Fire - (wheres my money!)

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