Friday, October 18, 2024

shasta trinity natl forest - local mgmt unit nets

finally we have confirmation that these 4 channels are used for base
to mobile comms

5.6 SHF Management Unit Nets: Each management unit on the SHF has its
own unit frequency assigned. Tone 7 must be used to communicate with
any base station or ranger unit station on these frequencies. When
management units activate lightning plans they will be utilizing these
local nets for communications to local communication centers (i.e
Weaverville D.O., Coffee Creek Fire Station, etc.) The primary use of
these frequencies is administrative; however they may be reassigned as
incident command or tactical nets. Management Unit Rx Tx Tx Tone South
Fork Mgt. Unit (SFMU) 167.2250 167.2250 7 NOTES Trinity River Mgt.
Unit (TRMU) Hayfork/Harrison Gulch 168.9625 168.9625 7 Shasta-McCLoud
Mgt. Unit (SMMU) Weaverville/Trinity Lake/Big Bar 166.9875 166.9875 7
Mt. Shasta/McCLoud Shasta-Lake Mgt. Unit (SLMU) 167.7250 167.7250 7
Shasta Lake/I 5 Corridor

so the radio lineup is -
1. forest net - approx 10 repeaters
2. service net - approx 4 repeaters - used for command nets on larger fires
3. 3 or 4 tac channels - R5 channels
4. 2 a/g channels - shared across north calif

SHF Service Net: The Shasta-Trinity N.F. Service Net 171.500 (Rx)
/164.825 (Tx). This frequency is often used as a "Command" frequency
for incidents especially starting the 2nd operational period. For
incident aircraft dispatches and flight following on the SHF, it is
preferred that aircraft utilize the forest net to assist in providing
awareness of aircraft responding to tactical personnel on scene. 5.5
Butte Big Bar/Sisters/Trinity River Corridor 6 156.7 Hz Portable 1 Mt.
Shasta/ McCLoud/Eddies 1 110.9 Hz Portable 2 As requested 12 127.3 Hz

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