As the US Forest Service has lost internal capacity to get projects
planned, awarded, and managed, it has become increasingly reliant on
'partners' - NGO agencies - to do a lot of the work Forest Service
employees used to do.
44 minute video
sounds like things might go to crap this year with USFS and the feds
but the local FDs and state forestry people will still be there - can
they save the small citys and towns? - time will tell
keep in mind that the usa has 3 or 4 levels of government - federal +
state + county + local (city town village township borough CSD FPD
etc) - each layer has their own fire fighting forces - federal has
USFS BLM NPS FWS for wildfire on federal lands - military FDs for
military bases - state has state forestry and national guard CWN
aircraft - some counties have FDs - local has FDs and some aircraft -
there are actually a couple of towns in Massachusetts that still have
separate forest fire departments (Rockport, Adams, and ?)
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