Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Polk County FL info - 2018 / 2019

Boardof County Commissioners Goals-

Goal 1.Levying new revenue sources and/or the issuance of new debt to
address high priority capital projects:Consistent with Board
direction, the FY2018/2019 balanced budget proposes two new funding
sources: a ¼ mill levy for critically needed investments in Polk
County Emergency Medical Services and a five-year levy of 1/8 mill to
purchase property and construct a new Northeast Polk Government
Center. The budget does not include any new debt.-

Goal 2.Determine levels of service for Fire Rescue:The Board
established a level of service standard of achieving a travel response
time of eight minutes in urban areas and 13 minutes in rural areas on
90 percent of calls. The FY 2018/2019 balanced budget includes the
first year of a proposed 10-year plan to utilize an additional ¼ mill
levy for emergency medical service investments in stations,ambulances
and staffing, which will be needed to achieve and maintain this level
of service standard as the population and the number of 9-1-1 medical
calls continue to increase.

per 2018/2019 preliminary budget document -

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