Friday, February 15, 2019

updated update for chicago incident code smollett

"Meantime, two sources with intimate knowledge of the investigation
tells CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards the attack on Smollett was
potentially orchestrated by the actor himself, and involved two other

stick a fork in him - he is done - because I dont think that CBS2
would print this unless they were pretty sure - because they can
slammed with a libel or slander suit or whatever


"Investigators have said the alleged attack was not recorded on
surveillance video, but police released a grainy image of the two men
who were in the area at the time of the alleged crime."

right right right - but were there any active cameras near where he
said he was attacked ? - he should know where it happened - people
dont seem to forget that unless they have grievous injuries - and its
a store near where he lives

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