Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Washington County Maine - the other day

there was some traffic about a call in Cherryfield - some chief signed
on and said he was going to the station - fire HQ said - you are on
'county fire' and I wanted to make sure you got the page - chief said
we will be responding shortly - there was no page heard via the feed -
(maybe was not cherryfield - I should go back and check the tape - was
kinda heard to hear)

the feed was either for perry or whiting iirc - which are labeled as 154.19

this leads me to believe that the west county FDs in the cherryfield
area - with columbia and maybe columbia falls etc - are on some other
channel - iirc cherryfied has 154.355 - maybe that is the primary fire
channel in that area

which means that washington county fire has 3 paging channels at least -

east 154.19 - aka "county fire"

north 154.31 - maybe aka "statewide"

west 154.355

plus -

calais 155.76R shared with police

baileyville 155.085R ? - shared with police

machias - maybe has fire channel shared with police also

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