Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 6 press conference at White House re covid19

you can search for "remember"

which gives you this -

Q Were you ever briefed on those memos? Did you ever discuss those
memos with anybody on your —

THE PRESIDENT: I don't remember that. I've now seen the memo. I saw
it. It was — Peter sends a lot of memos. I didn't see the memo.


so Peter sent Donnie a memo about 2 million USAers dying - and donnie
didnt see it - and Peter never followed up

damn that Peter to hell

1 comment:

  1. more of the quote

    THE PRESIDENT: I don’t remember that. I’ve now seen the memo. I saw it. It was — Peter sends a lot of memos. I didn’t see the memo. As you know, World Health was saying that was not correct because, at the time, they called it wrong.

    But I didn’t see the memo. But I acted as quickly as — people were shocked that I acted so quickly. And everybody thought I was wrong because I did act so quickly as you know, with respect to closing the borders — with respect not only to China, but with Europe I closed the borders. And I think that was very important.

    But, no, I didn’t see the memo at the time. But I have seen it since.

    Yeah, please.


    So - the WHO was wrong about the report that he didnt see. And that discrepancy did not grab his attention? Really?
